Susie Bright's Journal : College Boy Confidential: "I first noticed this in the early nineties, as I criss-crossed the country with my college sex surveys. Young people's sexuality has been seriously inhibited by AIDS fears, the subsequent abstinence campaigns that infantilized their generation, and a REAL SERIOUS prescription drug problem from years of well-intentioned Prozac, Paxil, Ritalin regimes. With young men, this goes right to their physical sex response.

The problem isn't just with intimacy. What the Post never asked, was, putting aggressive co-eds aside, how many of these non-fucking young men are masturbating?

If this had been the question, they would have found what I did: it's not about just 'being' with someone that's stressful, it's access to your own sexual body and desires that's being denied.

The first time I heard from male undergrads that they didn't masturbate or experience orgasm, I thought it was a prank."

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