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Thread: Carnaval and assorted shit - Trip #6

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    Carnaval and assorted shit - Trip #6

    I will just post everything together and won't split it up.

    For all of the mongers out there, I have only two highlights. But it still has important info! C-Mike was also an influence on me in more then one way.

    Rate: 28-29
    Days: 10
    Miles: 1,458 (yes I still keep track)

    Friday, February 25th

    I had planned this trip months ago because I wanted to do two things: Carnaval in La Vega and see the whales. I accomplished neither but had a great time overall but with some major bummers.

    Well to top it all off I had to move the week before I was leaving. Well running late for the airport stupid me still has the phone on and as I am walking down the jetway I get a call, CRITICAL ISSUE - SERVER DOWN...
    "I'm sorry I am on vacation."
    "Doesn't matter you need to get to the office now!"
    "I'm sorry maybe you didn't understand me, I am boarding the plane right now and leaving the country."
    "But aren't you on call?"
    "NO, I said I am on vacation, call Glenn."
    "[thinking about the excellent communication of my company] The guy backing me up"
    "What's his number?"
    "He's in Outlook and I don't have his number in my phone."
    Hang Up

    Did I mention how stupid I am in the morning?
    "Glenn isn't answering, you need to go into the office."
    "Sorry they are closing the door, I have to turn off the phone according to FAA regulations, good bye"

    I get to Miami and have a message from my boss waiting for me. I call him while rushing through MIA. He apologizes for not informing the Management Center but they also said I was rude, I told him the plain truth, I had to turn off the phone according to Federal Regulations! He understood and told me just keep the phone off.

    I get to the next gate with 10 minutes to spare. I hate flying commercially!

    I arrive at POP and stroll through customs, they don't even slow me down. One of the green porters run up and try to grab my bag out of my hand, of course I didn't let go and said "NO GRACIAS!". He was pissed but hey I was in a pissy mood.

    I walk over and get my car, BB will laugh at this. The guy behind the desks to me "You look different, oh yeah where's your Presidente?" At first it doesn't click so he tells me everytime he sees me I have a Presidente in my hand. Only in the DR could you be remembered like that at the car rental place!

    I give him my cc and license and tell him I will be right back. I wouldn't want to ruin my perfect image with him, right? After I get my Presidente I am "attacked" by my friends. They want money for beers too. I give them RD$100 each and they look for more, umm no.

    I get the car and figure I will check out money rates in Sosua and see if anyone was around. I also need to stop by Mav's store.

    I get 29-1 at SuperSuper and should have just changed it all in at once, never saw higher then 28.70 the rest of the trip. :cry:

    I swing by the phone store and get an Orange card for RD and find a great deal on a Verizon phone for me! Thanks Roger.

    RD's Orange card is going to take a few minutes so I cruise Sosua. I stop by the Palace and Gordon is there with his younger brother. Couple other people but I forget. Hell I am already down 3 Presidentes Grande! I walk over to La Passions and see Peter. Nothing catches my eye except his wife so I head back down to Mav's store.

    Saira's cousin (see trip #1) spots me while I walk by a bar, I stop and chat. She wants me to come back, I say sure but never make it back. Daisy sees me passing by Dominos. I talk to her over one beer about La Cobra (before he left) and the other shit in Sosua.

    I head to the store and find out the Orange card will be a couple days. Ok well I will be back. I see Natalie (trip #1) outside the store and talk to her for a bit. Then I get the call!

    "Where are you?"
    "Umm Sosua saying hi to friends."
    "Well I am more important then your friends"

    So I drop my backbone on the ground and say I will head to Santiago...

    I have a good 5 Grandes and 2 Peq. down by now so I am feeling no pain. Fuck it, Mountain Run!!!

    I pull into Santiago 32 minutes later! And was at the novia's door within 40 minutes. Now she doesn't believe I was in Sosua. I tell her I took the mountain road, and I get a lecture how dangerous it is...Fuck that I took the highway later in the trip, the mountain road is 10 times safer!

    She wants me to stay in her house and not get a hotel, well ok I will try it.

    So I decide to change and contact C-Mike. He is eatting over by the Monument so we (me, novia, her cousin-Felix, and his novia) head over. He is nothing like I expected looks wise. He doesn't look hideous I just had a different mental picture of him. I meet C-Mike, C-Dan, and their novias.

    We have a few drinks and head out, eventually ending up at Ambis for some dancing. I get all 8 of us in for 3 tickets at RD$50 each.

    We get a nice table and dance away. The Europeans tell me all the things I am doing wrong with my dancing and I try to correct. I let them know, I have been all night, got bitched out by work on a vacation day, and overall very drunk.

    We finally head out and they are all nervous that I can't drive because I am to messed up. Haha JAMAS!

    Saturday, February 26th

    Now I knew I wouldn't have A/C staying at her house but guess what, no fucking hot water either!

    After that shower I could have passed for a girl in front of a gyno! :shock:

    Today is Salon day! Everyone tells me to shave it all off but I don't. I get two phone numbers from other customers at the salon after I am cleaned up.

    Felix and I then head to a carwash for a couple beers! Finally we get back and I get a lecture about drinking, I tell her I had the beers at the Salon. I am on fucking vacation!!!

    C-Mike is doing his own thing that night so the four of us head out for a night on the town. We head to Ahi Bar as one of our stops and I meet some French Canadians that work down there that Felix knows.

    The girls are flirting hardcore at Ahi Bar with me, maybe because I was with a girl. My Novia is getting pissed and wants to leave, no I like it here. She tells me fine she will get up and another girl can have her seat. I tell her you know that will happen, are you sure you want it to happen? She shuts up and continues to pout.

    We finally make it home but I was pissed about the scene at Ahi bar so I go to sleep with my back to her.

    Sunday, February 27th


    My novia wants to stay in Santiago so I agree and we see the Santiago Carnaval. I need to know someone with a balcony next time, way to crowded but overall a good time. Again I am never alone, always with a grande in my hand!

    I snap away, drinking, and trying to keep my novia happy but she does have two friends. I call C-Mike towards the end of the concert, he tells me the artists performing in LaVega but we have better ones in Santiago. I tell him I am going to dinner and we will meet up later at the concert.

    We never did find each other at the concert but we both enjoyed Elvis Martinez, Fernandito Villalona, and someone else I forget, did I mention I was drinking that day?

    It's been a long day in the sun so we head home, fool around, and pass out.

    Monday, February 28th

    Quote Originally Posted by ContinentalMike
    3)We visited a cigar factory in Santiago together with DT after which we had a lot of fun with some car wash girls,

    We had a great time.. i.e. when we went to visit the tabacco factory in Santiago we left the girls RD$ 500 each, the girls went into town, to the salon and bought identical outfits and were waiting for us dressed and groomed in the hotel rooms (only slightly pissed because we were a bit later than expected ) with money to spare..
    Yes their girls were PISSED. My Novia actually was understanding. We took the girls to Camp David and had a wonderful dinner. The Europeans decided to call it a night and went home after dinner. I did something completely different.

    Now don't ask me what all the factors were but never the less I wanted something else that night so I broke up with my girl. She just wasn't doing it for me this trip...

    So Felix & I head out. We first cruise by Zolias which is DEAD, not one girl there but it was a Monday night.

    SCAM ALERT: Some of you may have noticed that the gas pumps can be programmed at the pump to stop at a certain number. Well we stop for gas and I say RD$500. Well he pumps and then I hear beeps...I look at the pump and it says RD$500 but doesn't list gallons. I tell Felix and he goes off on the guy, next thing I know during the arguement it flashes back to the pumped amount, RD$300. He puts in another RD$200 and we leave.

    Then we head to Pasions and I get this dark chocolate beauty for RD$2000 out the door at 1am! She immediately starts the "I'm hungry" riot act so me feeling so lovey dovey whips out my dick and sticks in her mouth. Eat this!

    She goes down grudgingly but fuck it I am horny. So while she is doing a lack luster job I push her flat on the bed and start thrusting in a push-up position. I tell her I will feed her if she sucks me good. She tries but of course I can't cum that way. No biggie let's order food.

    We eat and shower and then I want round two. Now she's tired, ok no problem you just lay there and I will do all the work. Of course being semi angry, sorrowed, etc from the recent break up, I am just not into it so I can't cum. I fucked her for four hours with smoke/rest breaks in between. I was hence forth known as "Americano Malo" in Pasions.

    Tuesday, March 1st

    I wake up and drive her to Pasions, she wants me to take her home but she lives on the opposite side of town, fuck that.

    I head to novia's house to get my clothes and she doesn't say a word to me.

    C-Mike calls and tells me they are heading to Boca Chica and I am welcomed to come along. I bring Mike up to speed on my current relationship and we head off to BC.

    We meet outside of Santiago and head down, we stop for gas about 3/4s of the way to SD and C-Mike and his novia hop in the car with me. I get a Cuba Libre after much arm twisting by C-Mike and C-Dan and start drinking it, after a half cup it ain't so bad, but they make them rather strong.

    We hang at the gas station for a bit, a couple Dominicanos comment that C-Mike dances better then they do.

    We head to SD and stop by C-Dan's novia's family member's house in SD and have a great time. I need to learn Bachata so C-Mike's novia tries to teach me. We have dinner and finally head to BC around 10pm.

    We get a few rooms and head to Duarte Street. We all sit around drinking on Duarte where I believe I am going deaf, ahh no my bad it's because the music is so fucking quiet I can hear a pin drop. Did I leave the Dominican Republic??? Yeah it's called Boca Chica, the town that sleeps...

    I wander around looking and looking but see nothing. C-Mike and C-Dan retire for the evening with their novias. I finally find a Colmado that knows where the volume is on the stereo but it still quiet. I am approached by a guy telling me he can get me weed, coke, little girls, whatever I want. I tell him I know where to get everything I need, why do I need him and walk away.

    I start walking down the street when someone follows me, I drop my infamous Grande that is always in my hand to where I am grasping the neck only and turn around. He tells me his store is this way and he is closing up, mind you all of Duarte is closing and it's only 12:30AM!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, Santiago doesn't start going until then?

    So I start talking with him looking for action, he tells me I would have to go to SD. So I figure I only got about RD$3000 on me so I take the risk. We meet more guys and we all pile into my car and head to SD. We hit one club after another, the best part we all took turns paying, this wasn't a gringo night out. I forget the names of the clubs but they weren't night clubs they were dance clubs so I got into trouble in one of them which would NOT have happened in Santiago! Damn I hate SD and BC.

    We were in one club and an Aquakate song comes on so I grab a girl and start dancing, I try to move her into a Merengue Perrito position and she gets all mad and flies off the dance floor! She runs up the manager and the next thing I know he is at our table. He tells me that is inappropriate, I tell him I do it all of the time in Santiago, I missed what he said but suffice to say he wasn't fond of Santiago. I tell him fine, La Cuenta, Ahora!

    I will just take my business elsewhere.

    We finally head back to BC at 7am and damn the fog is horrible. I still wonder how I got home that night. :shock:

    Wednesday, March 2nd

    C-Mike is knocking on my window 2 hours later at 9am. I explain I just got home and need sleep. He returns at 11am and we end up meeting at the beach around 1pm.

    We hang out on the beach, yes it is a very nice beach. At the beach we develop the ultimate saying for Boca Chica "UNO, DOS, TRES, NO GRACIAS". My god you can't get a minute's peace without someone hassling you. Also one more thing for you Southern Guys, How do you get over the fish smell? The place stinks morning, noon, & night from the fish canneries.

    I am dead tired by 3pm so I return to my room and crash. I wake up at 7pm, shower & change and we head to SD for dinner.

    We eat dinner and I gamble a bit in Jaragua demostrating how to lose money at Craps.

    I decide I need to make a day of tomorrow especially if I am leaving and want to sight see in SD before heading to Samana so I go home early to bed.

    Thursday, March 3rd

    I wake up around 10am and check out. I meet up with C-Mike and gang and say goodbye.

    I head to SD and see the sights. Some guy at the monument for Duarte, Sanchez, and Mella tells me he will be my friend and tell me all about them. I rattle off the dates and trivia and ask him if there is anything else he would like to know about those men? He was shocked to say the least.

    SCAM ALERT: I stop for gas and ask for RD$500, he puts in RD$500, I pay RD$500 and he does a 360 and comes back with a RD$10 in his hand telling me I gave him a 10 not a 500. At first I tell him now I gave him a RD$500 bill. He is insistant so I unbuckle and swing out the car door, FAST! I get out towering over the 5 foot nothing Dominicano and start cursing in Spanglish. Next thing I know he magically finds the RD$500 and even offered to let me keep the RD$10.

    I head to Santiago and on the way there a "roca loca" hits my windshield. FUCK ME! Well I pull into Santiago and I hear some good news. LISA (Trip #5) is back at Pasions!!!! HELL YEAH!

    I pickup Felix and we head to Pasions. There I hear about my new nickname but when the girls hear the full, four hour, story of why she is calling me that some of them want it too. 8) Well I have my sights set on one girl! LISA

    I find her and she is happy to see me. We agree on our rate and head out leaving Felix, I called him the next day since I forgot all about him. Pussy on the brain.

    Well still bumming from my lackluster trip and scam/car bullshit I step it up with Lisa. Out comes the ropes and toys and we go at it, she asked for it but she was very black and blue the next morning especially in the rear area! Couple rope burns too.

    Friday, March 4th

    I fuck Lisa again in the morning and drive her home, not Pasions, I take Lisa home. I meet her daughter who is as cute as a button.

    Windshield time, so I call a friend and I get referred to one shop. I talk them down to RD$3,800 for the windshield and then another friend calls with my cigars. I tell him I have a problem and he offers to help, next thing I know I am getting a windshield for RD$3,000! We all know the rental place would have fucked me hard.

    After the windshield I cruise to McDonald's for food. Some idiot is painting the walls and my car is downwind. So the next thing I know my nice green Honda CRV is covered in white specks of paint. He tells me I can clean it off easy since it's water soluable paint. I???? Again the cursing comes out and the next thing I know the manager, security guard, and painter are washing my car in the McDonald's drive-thru.

    I NEED A BEER! So I head to the carwash and have a few beers and get the car washed again. C-Mike calls me telling me he is headed to Santiago and wants to meet for dinner. Well he finally shows up but it's late and they just want to go to a Cabana.

    I meet up with Felix and a French Canadian (I met at Ahi Bar) that works down there but has no fucking clue about the country. Just as I am pulling up a FINE, I MEAN FINE ASS CHICA walks away from the group. Before even saying hi, I am saying, who's the girl?

    The French Canadian starts in right away, she's off limits she has a boyfriend. I reply "So, What's your point?". He repeats himself and so do I. Then I say watch this...

    I walk over of course dressed to dance the night away, the FC was in shorts and a T-shirt. We talk and I walk back. He starts up, haha you found out she has a boyfriend. So I pop open the phone and show him her number and tell him "Yeah she told me she has a boyfriend so she can't fuck me right now but to call her tomorrow while he is gone." Oh man he is PISSED.

    Well I get a lecture that I should be representing my country and acting politely. I tell him sorry I am a "When in Rome, Do as the Romans" type of guy and that I am acting like a Dominican. Then I clue him and tell them, all of the girls have a boyfriend. He tells me the one he is working on doesn't so I stare her in the eye and ask her...First she says no, so I push her, well she finally admits yes she has a boyfriend but they have been arguing. Umm yeah right...So she will fuck the FC to get a new pair of pants for her novio to make it up to him or something like that.

    We head to the Monument and have some more fun. Finally it's Lisa time. So I leave them planning on meeting at Pasions later. They never make it in time and I take Lisa to Blue Castle Cabanas. The reason I mention this one is that they had at least 30 porn channels!

    Again out comes the toys and we play hard!

    Saturday, March 5th

    I fuck Lisa again and C-Mike calls me soon after, they are headed to Cabarete and I am invited. Lisa wants to come too and asks to bring her daughter. I like her bed skills and likes so I figure I will get a 2 bedroom and just finish out the vacation with her.

    We meet up in Navarette and I get my daily dose of Cuba Libre being around C-Mike. We get to Cabarete when Lisa informs she didn't bring clothes. C-Mike's novia starts saying it's the oldest trick in the book and finally C-Mike talks me into standing up for myself and dropping her off. We drive her to Los Charamicos and I give her money for Caribe Tours. She goes off without complaint.

    We swing by the Palace and I introduce GDogg to C-Mike. We tell GDogg about the Frank Reyes concert that night and make plans to meet up there.

    We decide to take a dip in the pool before dinner at the hotel. We eat some dinner, shower and get dressed for the concert. I am dressed right and wait out front for them. The putas out there don't know what to make of me since I am not dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, I swear everyone in Caberete wears shorts!

    I flirt while waiting, of course they are willing to go to the concert with me. Finally we head to the concert, GDogg calls me as he is lost so I go pick him up. We get to the concert and three hours later (sign said 9pm, Frank started after midnight) Frank gets on. We get some pictures and have a great time. I try to go for a classy Spanish tourist but sadly I was shot down, what made it worse is she was with a couple and the couple wanted me to keep trying.

    C-Mike and gang left early since they had to get up early but GDogg & I stayed until the end. We did a swing through of Sosua but I didn't see anything I liked. I eventually drove home and packed.

    Sunday, March 6th

    C-Mike left his sunglasses in my car so he wanted me to give them to GDogg for safekeeping until he could return to Sosua. So I called GDogg and met him at Rocky's. I also met Tonto, GeminiMan007, and Monkey-something.

    I bid everyone a farewell and head to the airport.

    Before I get there I buy a 1.75L bottle of Brugal. Damn you C-Mike you made me an addict! Well between POP and San Juan it breaks! FUCK ME!

    Well I hit customs in San Juan and I get a stern look and asked "Have you been drinking today?" I reply, "See my declarations form, well I was claiming a bottle of rum but I no longer need to claim it since my luggage did" while lifting up my soaked bag. He tells me sorry but he has another question for me...

    I have been flagged! He told me that I have visited the Dominican Republic to many times in the recent year and he needs to ask me additional questions. Oh great! So he asks why was I there, I reply for Pleasure. He tells me I have to be more specific so remembering what Jimmy wrote, I tell him in Spanish "Tengo una novia en Santiago." That totally satisfied him but never the less I know I have been flagged after 6 trips within 12 months.

    Not like that will stop me for going again...
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  4. #2
    Join Date
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    Thanks for picking me up for the concert, DT. That walk was beginning to get ugly.

    I may be on the verge of getting flagged. When I came into POP, the guy checking my passport said "You come here too much". I replied "I thought I left my mother in Atlanta". I guess he didn't understand what I said.

    Excellent report! When are you heading back?

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Brooklyn.. 3 hours 1 minute from POP
    Thanked 46,708 Times in 7,069 Posts
    DT... good report man... The Mcdonalds drive thru car wash had me peeing in my pants... It really helps when you know the person writing the report... its even funnier.... I am jealous about the Frank Reyes concert but its OK i already saw him once... All i really wanna see now is Aventura... They will be at Madison Square Garden with Don Omar on April 15th... theres a chance i may be in attendance...

    DT you better be in DR November for thanksgiving... First bottle or Brugal on me... We will make our cuba libres and fondle chicas!
    Brooklyn Beas - Mi Tesoro Medellin Part 5 - Green Section with uncensored Videos and Pictures

    Beas in Meddy, just a daily progress report

  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynBeas
    DT... good report man... The Mcdonalds drive thru car wash had me peeing in my pants... It really helps when you know the person writing the report... its even funnier.... I am jealous about the Frank Reyes concert but its OK i already saw him once... All i really wanna see now is Aventura... They will be at Madison Square Garden with Don Omar on April 15th... theres a chance i may be in attendance...

    DT you better be in DR November for thanksgiving... First bottle or Brugal on me... We will make our cuba libres and fondle chicas!
    I figure you would have liked the part about the car rental guy asking where my beer was even more. You have said yourself you never see me without a beer!

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdogg
    Excellent report! When are you heading back?
    Reel Deal airlines is leaving May 5th and returning May 9th.

    Santiago or BUST!

  8. #6
    Join Date
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    New York City
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    great report!!

  9. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Thanked 186 Times in 164 Posts sweet when written coherently. Nice Report Don T.

  10. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynBeas
    DT... good report man... The Mcdonalds drive thru car wash had me peeing in my pants... It really helps when you know the person writing the report... its even funnier.... I am jealous about the Frank Reyes concert but its OK i already saw him once... All i really wanna see now is Aventura... They will be at Madison Square Garden with Don Omar on April 15th... theres a chance i may be in attendance...

    DT you better be in DR November for thanksgiving... First bottle or Brugal on me... We will make our cuba libres and fondle chicas!
    Better buy a big bottle I am considering coming over as well :P

  11. #9
    Join Date
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    Santiago, Republica Dominicana
    Thanked 715 Times in 196 Posts
    Great report I just read cause I am planning a long weekend trip to Santiago. I am jealous that you know so much after 6 trips. My next trip in February will be my 3rd to DR. My 1st trip was to Boca Chica in May and I just got back Nov 9th from Sosua. As I said I am planning on going in Feb with a friend who has never been to DR, but he has a good friend who owns a coffee plantation in Santiago that has been in the family for generations. It sounds like from your report that I should defenitly rent a car and drive to Sosua for 1 day? I like Sosua. Especially Clasico cause I like to dance Merengue and Bachata. I wish I spoke more Spanish. I am trying to learn. I met a Boriqua on the subway here and we are becoming friends. She is just off the boat from PR and doesnt speak much english but wants to practice and I want to practice my spanish. So I am meeting her in Washington Heights on Sat for dinner and conversation. Everyday I think about going back to DR, I dont know what happened this last trip, but I fell in Love with it. Ya know it is still a 3rd world country where the food is not that good and everyone is looking to get over on you, but I can overlook all of that shit cause the pussy is young and cheap! So on my last trip to Sosua I met a few hotties that were from Santiago and they said that the chicas there are really pretty. So I figured why not go cause I can get a flight for $94 each way, so what the fuck? I will stay at the Palacio. No novia bullshit drama for me. If I wanted that I could have that here in NYC. Dont hate the player hate the game!

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