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Thread: THIS IS THE END, my friends....

  1. #1
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    THIS IS THE END, my friends....

    Gentlemen if you want to cry please continue reading...

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanish
    Todos los centros de prostitución, incluyendo en los que bailan y se exhiben mujeres desnudas, serán cerrados por el Ministerio Público, informó hoy el procurador general de la República, doctor Francisco DomÃ*nguez Brito.

    El funcionario dijo que el cierre de esos negocios no sólo abarca los centros de masaje sino todos aquellos que se dedican al ejercicio de la prostitución.

    "El Ministerio Público tiene instrucciones a nivel nacional, no sólo la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional sino también el Departamento de Trata y Tráfico IlÃ*cito. Diferentes fiscalÃ*as han hecho operativos similares y estamos apoyando el trabajo de todo el Ministerio Público", precisó en rueda de prensa DomÃ*nguez Brito.

    Sostuvo que los operativos no sólo tienen que ver con el caso de los menores sino todo lo que concierna a la trata de personas y prostitución.

    Dijo que en el paÃ*s hay muchas personas que se aprovechan de la pobreza de las mujeres para llevarlas a centros y abusar de ellas, y por vÃ*a de consecuencia poner a la República Dominicana como una nación donde se ofrecen favores sexuales.

    Observó que eso va contra la dignidad del paÃ*s y las mujeres dominicanas, razón por la que encomendó a los fiscales para que sean drásticos contra esa práctica.

    "Los Ministerio Públicos de todas las provincias están en la obligación de actuar contra eso, contra una serie de centros también que indudablemente constituyen un negocio y fin organizado de trata y que está haciendo mucho daño a la población dominicana", subrayó DomÃ*nguez Brito.

    A juicio de DomÃ*nguez Brito, no es posible que el paÃ*s se siga vendiendo en el extranjero como un destino sexual, razón por la que serán cerrados los centros de esa naturaleza.

    "Absolutamente todos, sin distinción, Boca Chica ha sido una prioridad para el Ministerio Público. Hoy Boca Chica no es lo mismo de hace cuatro o cinco meses, y todavÃ*a hay dificultad, pero vamos a seguir", dijo DomÃ*nguez Brito.

    El jueves pasado la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional cerró, como parte de las instrucciones de DomÃ*nguez Brito, varios centros de masajes en la capital.

    En los centros cerrados, según la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional, se encontraron Drogas, penes sintéticos, "sillas eróticas" con posiciones claves para htener sexo y esposas para sadomasoquismo.

    El fiscal José Manuel Hernández Peguero dijo que, por ejemplo, en el "Centro de Estética Omi", ubicado en la calle Leonor de Ovando, de Gazcue, se ocupó aproximadamente libra y media de marihuana, caso por el que solicitarÃ*a prisión preventiva como media de coerción, contra José Manuel López, investigado por violación a la ley 50-88, sobre drogas y sustancias controladas.

    Fruto del operativo, la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional depuró a 102 mujeres y 28 hombres apresados en los operativos de clausura de 12 centros de masajes que operaban en Gazcue y en la Zona Universitaria.

    En esos negocios, según la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional, se ejercÃ*a la prostitución, se distribuÃ*an drogas y numerosos menores de edad eran utilizados en prácticas reñidas con la ley.

    Las 102 mujeres apresadas fueron libertadas sin cargos, mientras los 28 hombres fueron depurados y otros serÃ*an sometidos a la Justicia.

    Entre los que fueron detenidos figuraban empleados de los centros de masajes, parroquianos, jóvenes que hacÃ*an labores de masajistas, bartenders, acomodadores de vehÃ*culos, cobradores y otros.

    El operativo fue realizado la noche del jueves, a partir de las 9:00, por funcionarios de la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional y miembros de la Dirección Nacional de Control de Drogas (DNCD) que daban seguimiento a los lugares desde hacÃ*a varios meses.

    Entre los centros de masaje clausurados figuran La Reyna Cubana, Cisnes Club Relax, Elegante Center y Estefany Club.

    También centros de masaje sin nombre en las calles Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Hermanos Deligne, Socorro Sánchez, Independencia y Doctor Delgado, todos en el sector de Gazcue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Google English
    All the centers of prostitution, including in which they dance and naked women exhibit themselves, will be closed by the Public Ministry, today informed the general solicitor into the Republic, doctor Francisco DomÃ*nguez Brito. The civil employee said that the closing of those businesses not only includes the centers of massage but all those that are dedicated to the exercise of prostitution. "the Public Ministry has instructions at national level, not only the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District but also the Department of Treats and Illicit Traffic. Different offices of the public prosecutor have made operative similars and we are supporting the work of all the Public Ministry ", needed in press conference DomÃ*nguez Brito. It maintained that the operative ones not only have to do with the case of the minors but everything what concerns deals with people and prostitution. It said that in the country there are many people who take advantage of the poverty of the women to take them to centers and to abuse them, and by way of consequence to put to the Dominican Republic like a nation where sexual favors are offered. It observed that that goes against the dignity of the country and the Dominican women, reason for which entrusted the public prosecutors so that they are drastic against that practice. "the Ministry Public of all the provinces is in the obligation to act against that, against a series of centers also that doubtlessly constitute a business and aim organized of treats and that is making much damage to the Dominican population", it emphasized DomÃ*nguez Brito. In opinion of DomÃ*nguez Brito, it is not possible that the country is continued selling as a sexual destiny abroad, reason for which will be closed the centers of that nature. "Absolutely all, without distinction, Small Mouth has been a priority for the Public Ministry. Today Small Mouth is not the same of does four or five months, and still there is difficulty, but we are going to follow ", said DomÃ*nguez Brito. Last Thursday the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District closed, like part of the instructions of DomÃ*nguez Brito, several centers of massages in the capital. In the centers closed, according to the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District, were synthetic Drugs, penises, "eróticas chairs" with key positions to htener sex and spouses for sadomasochism. The public prosecutor Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero said that, for example, in the "Center of Aesthetic Omi", located in the street Leonor de Ovando, of Gazcue, he took care approximately frees and average of marijuana, case by which would ask for preventive prison like coercion average, against Jose Manuel Lopez, investigated by violation to law 50-88, on controlled drugs and substances. Fruit of the operative one, the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District purified to 102 women and 28 men catched in the operative ones of closing of 12 centers of massages that operated in Gazcue and the University Zone. In those businesses, according to the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District, prostitution was exerted, drugs were distributed and numerous minor they were used in practices bitter with the law. The 102 catched women were freed without positions, while the 28 men were purified and others would be put under Justice. Between that they were stopped appeared employees of the centers of massages, parroquianos, young people who made workings of masajistas, bartenders, ushers of vehicles, collectors and others. The operative one was made the night of Thursday, from the 9:00, by civil employees of the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District and members of the National Direction of Control of Drogas (DNCD) that gave pursuit to the places several months ago. Between the closed centers of massage they appear the Cuban Reyna, Swans Club Relax, Elegant Center and Estefany Club. Also centers of massage without name in the streets Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Deligne Brothers, Aid Sanchez, Independence and Doctor Delgado, all in the sector of Gazcue.
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  3. #2
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    If they really mean this, they would have to close all of Sosua.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevyboy
    If they really mean this, they would have to close all of Sosua.
    I don't think they would close all of Sosua, just maybe clean it up some. There is always gonna be an abundance of pussy in the DR, but the infrastructure for sexual tourism might get dismantled.

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    I've seen evidence of this coming for a while now. While it will be nearly impossible to stop prostitution, it will certainly make things interesting in the future.

    The DR wants nothing more than to shed the image of a Third World country. One characteristic of the Third World is rampant prostitution.

    Stay tuned and buckle up, guys; it's going to be an bumpy ride...

  6. #5
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    Do they plan on giving food stamps or the many thosands of hookers are suppose to get 4,000 a month peso jobs.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDR
    Do they plan on giving food stamps or the many thosands of hookers are suppose to get 4,000 a month peso jobs.
    It's pretty common for the Big Picture government heavy hitters to not think too much about the little guy.

    I think they are more concerned about the country's image, in an effort to pull it out of the economic mud, than the individual puta. We see the same mentality here in the states.

  8. #7
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    How do they stop you from meeting a girl in a club or the beach and going on a date?

  9. #8
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    Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDR
    Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:
    I dunno. Looks like they did a lot of shutting down in the capital without caring too much about the cost of construction...

    It's one thing when a "Cobra" type sweep takes place. It's something ENTIRELY different when a high-ranking National Official makes an official proclamation, and backs it with 130+ arrests. I'd call that the proverbial Shot Across the Bow...

  11. #10
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    Poor guys didnçt build those places. Rich Dominicans did. It will go underground but it will be there.

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDR
    Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:
    Maybe they will convert them into correctional facilities, lock up the putas and create more law enforcement and corrections jobs.

  13. #12
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    It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
    The slowing down of Boca Chica--- that's been reported on this board already.

    Sosua in and of itself is not a house or business of prostitiution. It's a town, so that will probably take more effort to shut down. Someplace like La Passion however could be endangered.

  14. #13
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    We will certainly want to watch this closely.

  15. #14
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    An arguement could be made that most of the bars there are set up as places of prosititution. That would shut doan alot of the town.

    BTW thanks for the small mouth thing, I wassn't sure what was going on there.

  16. #15
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    What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
    I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

    Prositution....what will they think of next?

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramesses
    What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
    I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

    Prositution....what will they think of next?
    Now your thinking, you can be my lawyer.

  18. #17
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    This is all bullshit.

    Morality are for those that can afford it.

    I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

    There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

    And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

    Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

    It's all PR bullshit.

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramesses
    What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
    I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

    Prositution....what will they think of next?
    Tell it to the Dominican Politur as he hauls your butt away...

    This ain't America, Johnny Cochran is taking a Dirt Nap, and the DR has no Bill of Rights.

    (But I know your j/k... )

  20. #19
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    LOL good answer RD how about, "I really don't know how to say this in spanish senor, but I slipped and my dick ended up in her mouth"

  21. #20
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    This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

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