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Thread: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

  1. #41
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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by greydread View Post
    What in the ever-loving Fuck does the issue of a madman using an outdoor concert venue as a killing box after hauling dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds to a high rise hotel and shooting the shit out of hundreds of innocent people have to do with Rahm Emanuel or Chicago or whatever that whole pocket full of deflection was all about?

    The natural fact is that while total gun restriction is against the spirit of the law as stated in the 2nd amendment there is still room for some common sense application of that article of the Bill of Rights. Any weapon which can be converted into a weapon of mass destruction (yeah, over 500 shot in one sitting is Mass Destruction) should be banned. This will have absolutely zero effect upon hunters and competition shooters.

    The rifles bought by this particular deranged individual were "legal" but the modifications which he made to those weapons were highly illegal. Those modifications aren't an option for bolt or lever action rifles so they should be exempted from any ban as long as the potential owner can pass an adequate background check.

    The NRA operates under the assumption that any gun law is a bad law. I beg to differ (which is why I un-joined the NRA). Common sense should always be applied to regulation and with all these deaths and injuries in the past decades attributable to military knockoff style weapons, they should be removed from the inventory in favor of common mothafucking sense. If you need an HK416 for personal protection then you're obviously living wrong.
    Chicago is just a dog whistle for some "very fine people."

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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Smooth View Post
    Ooohhh.....a little touchy are we? You've been the biggest clown on this board when it comes to assuming ( usual) what someone else posts, particularly when you disagree and put your words into their mouth based upon your own misinterpretation.

    I was hoping the politics could be set aside for a bit until the victims were buried, but as I said, wishful thinking on my part as the Dems and their lapdog media mavens already got out front and center and politicized the tragedy. Fucking political grandstanding at it's finest.

    You think I pull my assumptions out of my ass? Why don't you pull your head out of yours?
    Talk about touchy??

    And it is only the left that politicizes this issue right?

    Smooth it seems more and more lately your posts are more about trolling me than any discussion of issues. That's fine, you can express whatever you want. Your obsession is kind of creepy though.

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  5. #43
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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Smooth View Post
    Grey, you make some sense here. But in truth, all guns could be described as assault weapons. It only takes one bullet after all to take a life.

    I brought up Chicago because of this very fact. No deflection whatsoever. Rahm Emanuel likes to say his city has the toughest gun laws in the country. Well, how does that square with the murder rate in his city? Not very good. The reason? Because a person bent on criminal intent does not care about what laws he is breaking and his behavior in that regard cannot be legislated by a bunch of politicians who want to pat themselves on the back for passing yet another gun law.

    A criminal, in the case of the murder rate in Chicago as an example, does not fear the consequences of his actions, he is only concerned with retribution and settling some score. The aftermath is for others to worry about.

    With this horrific tragedy in LV, this guy passed whatever legal background checks that were necessary in order to purchase his weapons. I don't know if he was crazy, he obviously knew what he was doing and how to carry it out, he mounted cameras outside his room door so he could see when LE was coming. He had to have had some weapons training somewhere and/or knowledge of various weapons accessories. I just can't figure out with all the surveillance in a major hotel casino, no one said anything or noticed any abnormal behavior about the guy. But LE has said up to this point in their investigation the killer did not fit into any profile that would lead to him being responsible for something like this tragedy. Maybe as time goes on, additional factors will become known to change that view beyond the conspiracy theorists.

    But the bottom line is, just as with a thug in Chicago killing someone with a Saturday Night Special, this guy had a criminal and murderous intent when he aimed his weapon(s) out the window into that crowd. The countless number of illegal violations of the law, gun related or not, were no deterrent to the act he was hellbent on perpetrating.

    And any new gun law legislation that get debated in the wake of this Vegas massacre and signed into law won't stop the criminal mind from inflicting whatever evil is in his heart.
    The "criminal mind"? The guy was 64 years old with no record of criminality in his past. I am 63 and I have never woke up and thought "Fuck it, I feel like shooting 500 complete strangers who have done no harm to me" and I am a gun guy and have collected and bought and sold firearms all my life.

    LE has stated that this mass murderer doesn't fit the profile? His own Brother stated that he "wasn't a gun guy". He probably got his "weapons training" from YouTube. When you buy the full automatic conversion kit there are step-by-step instructions on how to install it and videos galore.

    Chicago as mentioned in this discussion is very much, merely a deflection from the real problem which is the availability of the type of weapon which can be converted to full automatic operation. Even in the original semi-automatic configuration these are hardly hunting or sporting weapons. Why would any civilian require a rifle that spits out bullets as fast as one can pull the trigger? Even with a hippo charging at me at 35 mph I can get off two or three shots from my bolt action Win model 270 which has been end of many a white tail buck.

    Chicago's problem is gangs, not guns. Gangs are a phenomenon resulting from failed social structures such as large cities where leadership and law enforcement are an entrepreneurial endeavor. The sheeple who buy into the notion of "get rid of the guns, get rid of the crime" are looking to oversimplify the problem and they will never find solutions with that approach. It's like treating a skin rash to fight the kidney disease that caused it. "Get rid of the poverty, get rid of the crime" is a much more effective approach. People who are working to improve their economic reality don't have time for guns or gangs....but that is another discussion for another day....

    Back in 2009 when the Justice Department stated that America's greatest threat was not from Jihadists or Foreigners of any kind but from Domestic Terrorists the right wing nuts almost lost their minds. That was a conversation which the right wing-nuts weren't ready to have as visions of hunting down and killing "evil furriners" left over from the Bush era dogma danced in their heads. Since that time the reality of this situation is that domestic terrorism IS the greatest threat to Americans and the profile starts with White, Christian, Male. Anyone not willing to face that reality and enter into serious discussion leaving their dead-wrong dogma behind and willing to accept factual evidence should avoid the conversation altogether because the problem with living in a fantasy construct is that reality isn't going anywhere and sooner or later it will need to be dealt with.

    America's gun crime problem goes a lot deeper than access to firearms, straight to the core of the American social value system where some lives are worth more than others and genocide and official misconduct such as non-judicial executions are considered necessary evil for the greater good. Until this mind set is properly dealt with and altered, this country will continue to slide into mayhem and anarchy.

    Off topic note: Last week some republican congressional yahoo made a statement about the NFL protest "If they disrespected the flag in North Korea, they'd be shot down in the streets by the police". I swear to God, I screamed at the TV "Hey Fool! Being shot down in the streets by the police is exactly what the protest is about!". We're either going to turn the corner on the evil that affects our society together or none of us will make it out. America's tribal war must end.
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  7. #44
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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    I don't see Cuba on that list!

    Quote Originally Posted by j_d66 View Post
    An interesting chart but can't really make much sense of it or really draw conclusions from it
    I guess it shows firearm related deaths per 100,000 people

    Even the other chart

    Country Total Method of Calculation Homicides Suicides Unintentional Undetermined Sources and notes Guns per 100 inhabitants
    Click to see pic Honduras 67.18 (incomplete) 66.64 (2013) 0.41 (2013) 0.13 (2013) unavailable Guns in Honduras[29] 6.2
    Click to see pic Venezuela 59.13 (mixed years) 39.00 (2009) 0.48 (2007) 0.17 (2007) 19.48 (2007) Guns in Venezuela[78] 10.7
    Click to see pic El Salvador 45.6 (2011) 26.49 (2013) 0.13 (2009) 0.15 (1999) unavailable Guns in El Salvador[20] 5.8
    Click to see pic Swaziland 37.16 (incomplete) 37.16 (2004) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Swaziland[67] 6.4
    Click to see pic Guatemala 34.10 (mixed years) 29.62 (2013) 0.34 (2009) 1.33 (2009) 2.81 (2009) Guns in Guatemala[28] 13.1
    Click to see pic Jamaica 30.72 (incomplete) 30.38 (2013) 0.34 (1995) unavailable unavailable Guns in Jamaica[38] 8.1
    Click to see pic Colombia 25.94 (mixed years) 23.93 (2013) 0.87 (2009) 0.11 (2009) 1.03 (2009) Guns in Colombia[14] 5.9
    Click to see pic Brazil 21.2 (2014) 19.99 (2014) 0.45 (2014) 0.18 (2014) 0.59 (2014) Mapa da Violência 2016[10] 8
    Click to see pic Panama 15.11 (mixed years) 14.36 (2013) 0.57 (2009) 0.06 (2002) 0.12 (2009) Guns in Panama[52] 21.7
    Click to see pic Uruguay 11.52 (mixed years) 4.78 (2013) 4.68 (2009) 2.00 (2009) 0.06 (2009) Guns in Uruguay[77] 31.8
    Click to see pic United States 10.54 (2014) 3.60 (2014) 6.30 (2014) 0.18 (2014) 0.08 (2014) Guns in United States[76] 112.6
    Montenegro 8.91 (incomplete) 2.42 (2011) 6.49 (2009) unavailable unavailable Guns in Montenegro[47] 23.1
    Philippines 8.90 (incomplete) 8.90 (2003) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Philippines[55] 4.7
    South Africa 8.3 (2010) 8.2 (2010) 0.1 (2010) 0.02 (1999) 0.11 (1999) Guns in South Africa[64] 12.7
    Paraguay 7.76 (mixed years) 5.78 (2013) 1.16 (2009) 0.30 (2009) 0.52 (2009) Guns in Paraguay[53] 17
    Mexico 7.64 (mixed years) 6.34 (2015) 0.44 (2014) 0.40 (2014) 0.46 (2014) Guns in Mexico[45] 15
    Costa Rica 7.50 (mixed years) 5.92 (2013) 1.27 (2002) 0.07 (2002) 0.24 (2000) Guns in Costa Rica[15] 9.9
    Argentina 6.36 (2009) 2.58 (2012) 1.57 (2009) 0.05 (2009) 2.57 (2009) Guns in Argentina[1][2] 10.2
    Peru 5.53 (mixed years) 4.22 (2013) 0.07 (2009) 0.93 (2007) 0.31 (2007) Guns in Peru[54] 18.8
    Nicaragua 4.68 (mixed years) 3.72 (2012) 0.34 (2010) 0.16 (2010) 0.46 (2010) Guns in Nicaragua[50] 7.7
    Serbia 3.49 (2012) 0.61 (2012) 2.49 (2012) 0.14 (2012) 0.29 (2012) Guns in Serbia[60] 75.6
    Finland 3.25 (2013) 0.32 (2012) 2.94 (2013) 0.02 (2011) 0.02 (2010) Guns in Finland[22][23] 27.5
    Barbados 3.12 (incomplete) 3.12 (2013) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Barbados[6] 7.8
    Switzerland 3.01 (mixed years) 0.21 (2015) 2.74 (2013) 0.04 (2013) 0.09 (2013) Gun laws in Switzerland[69] 24.45
    France 2.83 (2012) 0.21 (2012) 2.16 (2012) 0.04 (2012) 0.41 (2012) Guns in France[24] 31.2
    Croatia 2.68 (2012) 0.40 (2012) 2.37 (2012) 0.05 (2012) 0.02 (2010) Guns in Croatia[16] 21.7
    Estonia 2.67 (2012) 0.15 (2012) 2.11 (2012) 0.15 (2011) 0.30 (2012) Guns in Estonia[21] 9.2
    Slovenia 2.64 (mixed years) 0.20 (2012) 2.34 (2010) 0.05 (2009) 0.05 (2010) Guns in Slovenia[63] 13.5
    Austria 2.63 (2011) 0.10 (2011) 2.43 (2011) 0.01 (2009) 0.04 (2011) Guns in Austria[4] 30.4
    Israel 2.09 (2011) 1.04 (2011) 0.67 (2011) 0.05 (2011) 0.26 (2011) Guns in Israel[36] 7.3
    Czech Republic 2.01 (2012) 0.15 (2012) 1.66 (2012) 0.09 (2012) 0.13 (2012) Guns in Czech Republic[18] 16.3
    Georgia 1.98 (mixed years) 0.49 (2010) 0.09 (2009) 1.00 (2009) 0.40 (2010) Guns in Georgia[25] 7.3
    Canada 1.97 (mixed years) 0.38 (2013) 1.52 (2011) 0.05 (2011) 0.02 (2011) Statistics Canada [12] 30.8
    Turkey 1.95 (mixed years) 1.03 (2016) 0.81 (2013) 0.11 (2016) 0.01 (2016) Mixed sources [71][72][73] ?
    Chile 1.95 (mixed years) 1.02 (2011) 0.81 (2009) 0.08 (2009) 0.04 (2001) Guns in Chile[13] 10.7
    Cyprus 1.87 (mixed years) 1.05 (2012) 0.58 (2011) 0.12 (2009) 0.12 (2010) Guns in Cyprus[17] 36.4
    Slovakia 1.83 (mixed years) 0.26 (2012) 0.94 (2010) 0.39 (2010) 0.24 (2010) Guns in Slovakia[62] 8.3
    Belgium 1.82 (2010) 0.33 (2010) 1.33 (2010) 0.02 (2010) 0.14 (2010) Guns in Belgium[8] 17.2
    Norway 1.75 (2012) 0.10 (2012) 1.63 (2012) 0.02 (2012) 0.00 (2008) Guns in Norway[51] 31.3
    Bulgaria 1.71 (2012) 0.34 (2012) 0.97 (2012) 0.23 (2012) 0.10 (2012) Guns in Bulgaria[11] 6.2
    Macedonia 1.69 (mixed years) 0.91 (2011) 0.63 (2010) 0.15 (2010) 0.00 (1997) Guns in Macedonia[44] ?
    Portugal 1.58 (mixed years) 0.42 (2012) 1.01 (2011) 0.03 (2011) 0.12 (2011) Guns in Portugal[57] 8.5
    Greece 1.52 (2011) 0.53 (2011) 0.86 (2011) 0.06 (2011) 0.00 (1998) Guns in Greece[27] 22.5
    Sweden 1.47 (2010) 0.19 (2010) 1.20 (2010) 0.06 (2010) 0.01 (2010) Guns in Sweden[68] 31.6
    Latvia 1.43 (2010) 0.18 (2010) 0.94 (2010) 0.04 (2010) 0.27 (2010) Guns in Latvia[42] 19
    Italy 1.31 (2010) 0.35 (2010) 0.87 (2010) 0.09 (2010) 0.02 (2010) Guns in Italy[37] 11.9
    Denmark 1.28 (2011) 0.22 (2011) 1.09 (2011) 0.04 (2008) 0.02 (2010) Guns in Denmark[19] 12
    Iceland 1.25 (incomplete) 0.00 (2012) 1.25 (2009) unavailable unavailable Guns in Iceland[32] 30.3
    Luxembourg 1.19 (2011) 0.00 (2011) 1.16 (2011) 0.22 (2004) 0.39 (2010) Guns in Luxembourg[43] 15.3
    New Zealand 1.07 (mixed years) 0.18 (2013) 0.84 (2011) 0.05 (2010) 0.00 (2010) Guns in New Zealand[49] 22.6
    Moldova 1.03 (2011) 0.45 (2011) 0.42 (2011) 0.08 (2011) 0.08 (2011) Guns in Moldova[46] 7.1
    Kyrgyzstan 1.01 (2010) 0.53 (2010) 0.07 (2010) 0.28 (2010) 0.13 (2010) Guns in Kyrgyzstan[41] 0.9
    Germany 1.01 (2012) 0.07 (2012) 0.84 (2012) 0.01 (2012) 0.08 (2012) Guns in Germany[26] 30.3
    Hungary 0.95 (2012) 0.11 (2012) 0.81 (2012) 0.02 (2012) 0.02 (2012) Guns in Hungary[31] 5.5
    Australia 0.93 (2013) 0.16 (2013) 0.74 (2013) 0.02 (2013) 0.02 (2013) Guns in Australia[3] 21.7
    Taiwan 0.87 (mixed years) 0.60 (2008) 0.12 (1994) 0.11 (1994) 0.04 (1994) Guns in Taiwan[70] ?
    Ireland 0.8 (2012) 0.25 (2012) 0.28 (2012) 0.08 (2012) unavailable Guns in Ireland[35] 3.89
    Bolivia 0.74 (incomplete) 0.74 (2010) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Bolivia[9] 2.8
    Spain 0.62 (mixed years) 0.15 (2010) 0.42 (2010) 0.05 (2010) 0.00 (2007) Guns in Spain[66] 10.4
    Netherlands 0.58 (2011) 0.29 (2011) 0.28 (2011) 0.01 (2010) 0.01 (2010) Guns in Netherlands[48] 3.9
    Zimbabwe 0.39 (mixed years) 0.3 (2007) 0.09 (1995) unavailable unavailable Guns in Zimbabwe[79] 4.6
    Kuwait 0.36 (mixed years) 0.36 (1995) 0.00 (1999) 0.00 (2000) 0.00 (2000) Guns in Kuwait[40] 24.8
    Azerbaijan 0.30 (incomplete) 0.27 (2010) 0.01 (2007) 0.02 (2007) unavailable Guns in Azerbaijan[5] 3.5
    India 0.28 (2014) 0.30 (2009) 0.14 (2008) 0.04 (2008) unavailable Guns in India[33][34] 4.2
    Poland 0.26 (2011) 0.04 (2011) 0.09 (2011) 0.03 (2011) 0.10 (2011) Guns in Poland[56] 1.3
    Ukraine 0.24 (incomplete) 0.24 (2009) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Ukraine[74] 6.6
    United Kingdom 0.23 (2011) 0.06 (2011) 0.15 (2011) 0.00 (2011) 0.02 (2011) Guns in the United Kingdom[75] 6.6
    Belarus 0.23 (incomplete) 0.14 (2009) unavailable 0.09 (1996) unavailable Guns in Belarus[7] 7.3
    Singapore 0.16 (mixed years) 0.02 (2006) 0.12 (1998) 0.02 (1998) 0.00 (1998) Guns in Singapore[61] 0.5
    Qatar 0.15 (incomplete) 0.15 (2004) unavailable unavailable unavailable Guns in Qatar[58] 19.2
    Romania 0.14 (mixed years) 0.04 (2012) 0.06 (2011) 0.04 (2011) 0.00 (2011) Guns in Romania[59] 0.7
    South Korea 0.08 (mixed years) 0.02 (2011) 0.04 (2002) 0.01 (2002) 0.01 (2002) Guns in South Korea[65] 1.1
    Japan 0.06 (mixed years) 0.00 (2008) 0.04 (1999) 0.01 (1999) 0.01 (1999) Guns in Japan[39] 0.6
    Hong Kong 0.03 (mixed years) 0.00 (2004) 0.03 (1999) 0.00 (1996) 0.00 (1996) Guns in Hong Kong[30] ?
    Country Total Method of Calculation Homicides Suicides Unintentional Undetermined Sources and notes Guns per 100 hab

    I don't know if it means anything or not but USA does have the most guns per 100 of any other country.

    I guess draw your conclusions or more likely there is no conclusion to be drawn

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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by PapiQueRico View Post
    Talk about touchy??

    And it is only the left that politicizes this issue right?

    Smooth it seems more and more lately your posts are more about trolling me than any discussion of issues. That's fine, you can express whatever you want. Your obsession is kind of creepy though.

    You have fans.

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  11. #46
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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    We have got to address this issue of White-on-White crime. It's making all Americans look like a bunch of criminals in the eyes of the world.

    That statement was offered in response to the "Chicago" deflection and it makes just about as much sense (= None).

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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Maretti View Post
    I don't see Cuba on that list!
    gun control's poster country
    you only live once, but if you live it right once is enough

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  15. #48
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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    Police change timeline, say Vegas gunman shot security guard 6 minutes before opening fire on concert

    LAS VEGAS — Police have dramatically changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security guard six minutes before opening fire on a country music concert — raising new questions about why police weren’t able to pinpoint the gunman’s location sooner.

    Officials had previously said that gunman Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nev., shot Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos after Paddock had unleashed his deadly volley at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, an assault that began at 10:05 p.m.
    Officials had previously credited Campos, who was shot in the leg, with stopping the 10-minute assault on the concert crowd by turning the gunman’s attention to the hotel hallway, where Campos was checking an alert for an open door in another guest’s room.
    But Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Monday that Paddock shot Campos before his mass shooting — at 9:59 p.m. — and they now don’t know why Paddock stopped his attack on the crowd.
    Paddock, who had placed security cameras outside his room, shot Campos through the door of his suite, which was outfitted with a camera to survey the hallway, as was a room service cart parked outside. Police have said that Paddock fired 200 rounds into the hallway.
    Investigators previously said that the security guard was shot after Paddock had already spent 10 minutes firing into the crowd of concertgoers gathered below the hotel.
    In a timeline released last week, investigators said Paddock had stopped firing at the concert across the street at 10:15 p.m., and the first police officers arrived on the floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded Campos at 10:18 p.m., who directed the officers to Paddock’s suite.
    Police were not in a hurry to enter Paddock’s suite because the security guard’s arrival had halted the shooting, police implied in previously describing the timeline.
    But on Monday, the timeline changed.
    “Mr. Campos was encountered by the suspect prior to his shooting to the outside world,” Lombardo said at a Monday news conference.
    Police officers who started searching the hotel after the shooting began didn’t know a hotel security guard had been shot “until they met him in the hallway after exiting the elevator,” Lombardo said.
    Charles “Sid” Heal, a retired Los Angeles County sheriff’s commander and tactical expert, said the new timeline “changes the whole perspective of the shooting.”
    Heal said that if police had known immediately that a guard had been shot, they would have rushed the room while the gunman was still firing. He said it seemed to signal a breakdown in communication.
    “It doesn’t say much for hotel security,” Heal said.
    After Campos was shot, a maintenance worker appeared on the 32nd floor and “Campos prevented him from receiving any injuries,” Lombardo said.
    Representatives for the Mandalay Bay hotel casino and the union representing Mandalay Bay’s security guards did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.
    Lombardo said investigators still had not uncovered a motive for Paddock’s attack and had found “zero” evidence of a second gunman. Investigators said Paddock was not seen with anyone before the attack.
    Lombardo also revised the date on which police believe Paddock checked in to the Mandalay Bay hotel. While initially they said he had checked in on Sept. 28, three days before the shooting, they now believe he checked in on Sept. 25.
    They continue to believe he was operating without a partner.
    Lombardo said investigators had compiled 200 “instances” of Paddock moving around Las Vegas before the attack, and he was always alone.
    The sheriff also revealed that Paddock had started drilling a hole next to the door of his suite, but the drilling apparently was not completed, and officials weren’t sure what the hole was for.
    Lombardo said investigators had found “some evidence of medications” used by Paddock but declined to give any more information.

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    Re: 10/2017 - 59+ dead , over 520 injured in Las Vegas Shooting

    I'm no forensic super-genius but I've fired a few rounds in my day and it seems to me that letting go of a couple hundred rounds is going to set off the smoke detector, open window or not, especially in rapid fire mode. That just might get the attention of hotel security. I'm just saying.

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