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Thread: ATM Scams

  1. #1
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    ATM Scams

    1. Use only well secured (in brick & motar, well sealed) ATMs, gaps allow for the phone lines to be tapped and your info stolen.

    2. Even if you don’t need to use one go check out your ATM choices during the day! Why? Well Saturday night in Sosua I had a scam pulled on me but walked away. It works like this: two buddies wait on the side of a SUV, target approaches and Bud1 runs in front of you and gets to the ATM first, so the target gives him space and lets him do his business, now Bud2 comes up behind you and asks if you are waiting for the ATM (in english to boot!) , target turns around and kindly says “Si”, during this time frame Bud1 has attached a magnetic card reader slide to the ATM, Bud1 finishes his business and leaves, target’s turn, during my phase I walked up and went to insert my card into the slot the proper way but then Bud2 starts saying “no insert, slide”, now thankfully even though I was horny with a slight buz and needed cash I had used this ATM before and clearly remembered using it. Well I put my card in my pocket turned around and just waved my hands in a “I’m done” fashion and walked away. Just to confirm what almost happened I walked over the next morning and the slide was gone.

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  3. #2
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    ATM scams are big in DR!!!

    Someone tried to pull the fast one on me one time in Boca Chica. They insert a thin , clear piece of thread with a piece of plasic at the end into the ATM slot. When you put your card in it gets jammed. Next you you know there wil be some well dressed guy behind you trying to help you asking for your pin #. I noticed the string and told the guy to back the fuck up. I had no luck getting my card out of the ATM. The ATM sucked it in but I was able to retrieve it the next day from the bank but could no longer use it since I had to cancel it right away.
    Just a heads up , if you use an ATM card or credit card down in DR make sure you write down the phone number on the back of the card and put that phone # in a safe place. Another thing don't write down the toll free phone # as it will not work in DR. There is an alternative phone # with area code that you need to use in case you need to cancel right away.
    Gutter Meat

  4. #3
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    Watch out for this one!!

    This scam can spread to DR DR

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Great Info

    Great information guttermeat

  6. #5
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    An E mail

    I got this off the in search of chicas e mail .check this out I got this from another website:

    On April 10, I went to the Banco Popular in Sosua, DR to use the
    ATM. A lady there told me that the old machine did not work. I
    should use the new machine. I withdrew 5000 pesos. When I checked my
    account on Monday, I discovered that there had been 5 more
    withdrawals, totaling 55,000 pesos, which I did not make. The
    withdrawals were made in Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo. I had not
    been out of Sosua and I still have my ATM card. I called my bank and
    had the card cancelled. I went the Banco Popular and was told that
    it is not their problem. They said that I should contact my bank. I
    called my bank and they told me that they would file a fraud claim,
    but I must make a report to the local police and provide them with
    the report or a report number. The police in Sosua refused to make a
    report. I returned to Banco Popular and noticed the there was a
    space in the wall next to the new machine that was wide enough to
    put your arm through from outside the bank. The phone wire to the
    machine was connected just below the hole within reach for someone
    outside the bank to tap into the wire. After taking photos of the
    gaping hole next to the ATM machine, I returned with the police who
    had, up until then refused to make the report I need to get refunded
    by my bank. The employee in charge at the bank said that I should
    write them a letter so that they could investigate themselves. As
    they are denying any responsibility whatsoever, despite the access
    hole in plain view, they obviously have no intentions of admitting
    anything, and the police refuse to take a report, saying that
    the bank's decision on how to proceed. The police also say that
    since the thieves did not steal my ATM card, there was no theft. Are
    they so dumb that they have never heard of electronic theft? I am
    out 55,000 pesos and neither Banco Popular nor the Sosua police are
    concerned. Be weary of the Banco Popular's ATM machines and
    expect any help from the Sosua police.
    If anyone has any suggestions as to how to resolve my problem, it
    would be greatly appreciated.
    Anyone who would like copies of the photos of the ATM with the
    access hole allowing to connect the controlling telephone line, you
    need only PM me and I will e-mail them to you.
    Thank you, Al.


  7. #6
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    Boy this would suck. What banks are safe if any that you know of?

  8. #7
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    Another smam!!

    ok so it's Monday night about 9:30 pm & I head outa the Place to the Progresive bank ATM machine. You guys know the one , its next to the liquor store. As I walk up to the ATM so Jackass Dominican tells me that its not working and points to the one across the street which is the Banco Santa Cruz. At this point I can't wait to see what kinda scam they got going on so I go up to the Santa Cruz ATM machine and sure enough there's a black swipper with a little red light on it stuck onto the ATM machine right next to where you would normally insert you card. I grab a hold of the swipper and pull it right the ATM machine!!! Next thing you know there's some Dominican dude behind me going f*cking nuts!!! Now he's trying to get the swipper away from me but I'm buzzing pretty good and I wouldn't give it up. But I finally gave it up just knowing that this guy is most likely strapped with either a blade or a pistol and I know he wasn't working alone. But damn I really wanted that swipper for a souvenir!! Guys I don't recommend doing what I did. These crazy F*cks will kill you for anything. Please be careful when using the ATM's!!!
    Gutter Meat

  9. #8
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    Is there a problem with AmEx travelers checks in the DR? They used to work for me well.

    I could use a lesson in "Safe DR Cash Management". Can anybody help?

  10. #9
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    Re: Another smam!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutter Meat
    ok so it's Monday night about 9:30 pm & I head outa the Place to the Progresive bank ATM machine. You guys know the one , its next to the liquor store. As I walk up to the ATM so Jackass Dominican tells me that its not working and points to the one across the street which is the Banco Santa Cruz. At this point I can't wait to see what kinda scam they got going on so I go up to the Santa Cruz ATM machine and sure enough there's a black swipper with a little red light on it stuck onto the ATM machine right next to where you would normally insert you card. I grab a hold of the swipper and pull it right the ATM machine!!! Next thing you know there's some Dominican dude behind me going f*cking nuts!!! Now he's trying to get the swipper away from me but I'm buzzing pretty good and I wouldn't give it up. But I finally gave it up just knowing that this guy is most likely strapped with either a blade or a pistol and I know he wasn't working alone. But damn I really wanted that swipper for a souvenir!! Guys I don't recommend doing what I did. These crazy F*cks will kill you for anything. Please be careful when using the ATM's!!!
    Gutter Meat
    GM That card reader is what happened to me when I started this thread. It happened at Progresive with me. Now looking back I wish I had done something similar. I forget if Santa Cruz has one but Progresive has a 24 hour security guard with a shotgun. After my trip I wished I had taken it off and given it to him. Of course he could be on the scam...

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reel Deal
    Is there a problem with AmEx travelers checks in the DR? They used to work for me well.

    I could use a lesson in "Safe DR Cash Management". Can anybody help?
    Bigger towns no problem, Sosua can be a bother unless someone will vouch for you, other option is a bank in Sosua. Of you also get the worst rates at the bank for exchanging checks.

    Personally I carry cash.

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