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Thread: Trip 28 July 2004 - 4th Aug 2004

  1. #1
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    Trip 28 July 2004 - 4th Aug 2004

    I just want to start by saying that this has been The Best Vacation that I have ever had I will try to keep this short and simple this time, however this vacation was simply the most explored, comprehensive, all round good time. I had planned to saty in Sosua for 3 days, and leave on the Saturday to the capitol to see the ex-girlfriend....or so I had planned.

    28th July 2004

    Initially, I arrived at the airport to find out that the flight to JFK was delayed, and that there was a strong possibility that I would miss my connecting flight to Puerto Plata @ 11:00am. Anyways I get into JFK exactly at 10:50am. So here I am in JFK doing the OJ Simpson dash through the airport trying to make my connection flight. Of course I bring attention to myself, and there I go through the security check. Eventually I find out that the flight is delayed and I am able to make the flight.

    I end up in Sosua and I hook up in the Sosua the penthouse. I eye up Soronji for a quickie and she quotes me the regular price this time. So not even in Sosua for 15 minutes and up to the room Soronji. I get a lack luster performance and out the room. I pop down to the bar and there is Soronji, Mercedes and Yocasta (shown in the pics here on the board). Anna seems to be very friendly and starts giving me a good lap rub. So not only 3 minutes after Soronji.....up to the room with Yocasta.

    Now this has to be the best BBBJ that I have ever had. I swear I always came right in her mouth. The next thing I know....she is riding me like a stallion until I burst. I was totally wiped out, she made sure I wasn't going out that night.

    29th July 2004

    The next day I hop straight to the gym. I go for my morning workout, checking out the cute european chicks in the gym. After an exhausting workout....back to the Palace, passing Sornji and Mercedes on the way up. I pay no attention to them because I am wipped. I am recooperating in the bed, when I hear my door was Soronji and Mercedes (damn I forgot to lock the door). They try to arouse me for some quickes however I declined and eventually they left.

    After I grab some lunch I came back to the hotel to rest again, before the night out. I hop in the bed and before it the door opens again....damn!!! I keep forgetting to lock my door. Its Yocasta, I explan that I am tired and that I needed some rest. She assured me that she just wanted to relax (like a fool I believe her). So again she gives the awesome BBJ in which I could no longer control myself and ends up as a CIM. Now she is upset beacuse she says she is horny and wants sex. My reply was "it will cost you $RD1500". So she storms out the room and I continue with my rest.

    Later on that evening I hop into the D'latino disco to check out the action. Now I have to tell you that the place was slammin!!!! The vibe was awesome, the place was packed, the women were beautiful. I was really feeling the vibe. I order some red wine and I am vibing. This cute chica is now standing next to me the smile. She is in a red top and some tight white jeans. I thinking to myself....yeah she would definitely get it tonight. I just didn't know if she was game. I could feel that not all the girls in there were working. Well, I accidentally spilled a little red wine on her white jeans. I wish I could say someone bumped into me, bad sadly to say I think that I had one too many red wines that night. She turns around to and smiles. Now I am thinking that this is the best country in the world. Any other club in any other country and I would of been wearing my wine and glass. So now I know that she is game, and off the the Palace with the chica.

    I will continue with the next days report tommorrow. I am still recovering!!!

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    Good Report

    Glad to see you ballin' in the best country in the world! Isn't it strange how this place grabs hold of you?

  4. #3
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    Yeah.....I was definitely ballin. Honestly I thought I was getting tired of the DR (I had become climatized to Santo Domingo and Boca), and I had made a decision that this would be the last trip. However, the North Coast totally redefined my whole image of the DR and I can't wait to return.
    So let me continue with another day.

    30th July 2004

    The next day, I do my usual routine, whihc is hopping off to the gym working out and flirting with the european chicks in the gym. I can pass for dominican if I had the spanish accent, however not really interetsed in bagging gringas, so I move on. I decide to move out of the Palace and spend the last nite in the Europa. I don't know why, I just didn't like the vibe in the started to get a little crowded with fellow mongers, and I am kind of a closet monger myself.

    I hit the beach for a the day, went swimming checking out the bars and then returned to get ready for the evening. This time I decided to check ou the Flamingo club. They had several beautiful chicas in there. I think the deal was that they get paid to dance, and you can negotiate to take the girl out with a small barfinr to take them out. There was one particular dark skin attratcitive amazon lookin chica that was giving me the eye, sitting next to me feelin me up nibbling on my ear......However I was really into this next chicas short light skin with spikey blonde hair. I was so into her it was as if the other chica wasn't even there. I guess it was kinda of funny. So eventually I take her out of the club and we go back to the hotel. The girl was so cute i thought that we would chil in the room for a bit, have a couple of drinks, however she had other ideas. She starts to go to work on me and I must say her form was off the hook. I am really enjoying this trip....I think to myself. I have this cutie snuggled up in the bed with me whi is 10 years younger than me. I can walk down the street with this thing without any worries of backlash from other people....this is the best country ever!!!!.

    Now I do something which is very uncharacteristic of me. I don't know whether it was because she was an absolutelr stuner, or if was because she said "Te amo" in the heat of the night.....but I invited her to go to the beach with me in the morning. She says yes and suggest that we meet at the beach around 2pm the next day.

    Once again I will report later on the next days. The other days become a bit more interesting. I am not too sure if I should report though.....I may get my monger status revoked..... :P

  5. #4
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    Ok....let me finish this trip report.

    July 31st 2004

    In the morning I skip the gym and decide to get some breakfast. I bump into this girl who says that she has seen me on the internet. I have to laugh because I know its not me (I hopr its not me). The I got to there a dominican insearchofgringos$$.com out there....where all the chicas check out all the gringo photos, and which gringo has the thickest wallet? I chuckled to myself and then moved on.

    Suprisingly enough I bumped into a buddy of mine who was supposed to be on the plane with me to Puerto Plata and didn't make it. He told me that AA called him on the same day to tell him that he would miss his connectiong flight and that they would send him the next day. He then proceeeded to tell me that when he finally did make it to JFK the next day, AA cancelled the Puerto Plata flight and the Santiago flight was full. He was stuck taking a flight to Santo Domingo later that evening. AA said that there would be a bus to take those passengers travelling to Puerto PLata. Alas when he got bus and everyone had to spend the money catching a taxi to Puerto Plata. AA is really going down hill.

    Anyways we hook up later thatnight, and this is where I run into Uve. She was a cutie working in one of the restuarants. We hook up and get out of Sosua to Cabarette, and start having a blast. Later on that evening I ask her to come up to my Hotel. She exclaims " I am not a puta!!!" I reply...."I only asked you to come up to the room nothing more than that". So she comes up for a little while we watch some tv, mess around for a bit like a high school couple and then she is off back home......just in time for my night out with my buddy.

    Ok now it is time for some real fun. I show my mate Flamingos, and he falls in love with one of the girls, whcih happens to be the sister of the one I had the previous night (by the way Tomas...I think it might of been Olga). We flirt for a bit and then we are on our way to D'latino. Eventually we pick up two little cuties and back to the crib.

    Aug 1st 2004

    The next morning, my phone rings its the receptionist saying that I have a guest waiting for me downstairs. So I wisk away my night guest and make my way downstairs. Its Uve, and she wants to spend the day with me (she's got the day off). Today is the day that I am supposed to check out and make my way to Santo Domingo, however I had such a good night last night that I decided why not have one more night. So I hook up with my buddy from back home, Uve and we rent a car. We decide to hit Puerto Plata and off we go. We do the touristy thing and next thing I know, Uve is all over me like we have been Novios for years. That evening, I first took my mate to crystals. The first thing I hear from Uve is "how do you know about this place", of course no answer is the correct answer and then we get into an arguement. So I don't get to see any of crystals, while my buddy gets an eyefull. Next we hit El Bohem, and this infuriates my date. Now she wants to go home. So we cointinue with the arguement while my buddy is all over the club getting gropped, carressed, buying drinks for the girls....having the time of his life. Finally we leave and head of to Mointain View. This time the place is a little different and she doesn't really get the same vibe. There seem to be just as many dominican guys in there as girls. I wasn't too impressed with Mointainview. I didn't really see anything in there worth taking....but obviously my buddy did....and he proceeded to. So once again my date goes ballistic. I pretty much ignore it and finally I get the silent treatment.

    So now we are on our way to the Cabanas, and the way my buddy is acting we were not going to make it. Finally...we find one and now I find myself alone in a room with a pissed off chica with me feeling horny as hell. Right at the beginning she says don't think you are getting any tonite. This is where I can take no more. I have had it with this bitch and I respond......I am getting fucked may not be you.....but I am getting some....and I proceeded to the door. Of course she headed me off(knowing where we just came from of course), and I continue trying to salvage the night. So she finally gives it up....saying that when she is done with me will not even look at another women....and that she will suck me dry. So we have an ok experience...not the best that I had but it was ok. About 15 minutes later she came back for more....and then 15 minutes after that. I knew what she was trying to do, and I just wasn't into to it. My first thought is....I can't wait to get rid of this girl.

    Aug 2nd 2004

    We return back to Sosua and I drop Ms. Drama back to her house. During the car ride back up we drop off my buddy's date and we decide that we will stay one more day. So this evening we start out at D'latino with the usual routine...and then we end up D'classico with me talking to this cutie at the froint entrance. She pretty much had a deathgrip around me as I was whispering sweat nothings into her ear. Next thing I know I feel a little tap on my shoulder. Its Uve, and she looks pissed. So there we are again in another agruement. Not as bad as the others.....but all she was saying is that "I can't trust you can I?" Anyways I persuade her that I am only flirting and that at the end of the night the only one in my bed will be her. The I say...:You can trust me.... So she then leaves and says that she will try to come over when she finishes work, but that she couldn't promise anything.

    So I continue galavanting in the club with some chicas and my buddy until about 3:00am in the morning. I then see these two goddess sitting together in a corner. I go over there and introduce myself and then I introdcue them to my buddy. He takes both of them back with him to his room and I go back solo. Now there is no sign of this girl at my my buddy slips one of the chicas into my room. What a buddy!!!! So I have a bit of fun with the babe and then my phone rings about 15 minutes later. I know what that I don't answer it. I continue with the chica in my room and then we go to sleep. So now in the back of my mind I am thinking that I have to get rid of this girl early in the morning.

    Aug 3rd 2004

    I wisk away the girl 6:00am in the morning. Of course she is not impressed but I don't care. Today is a very sobbering thought....becuase the next day I have to fly out from Santo Domingo and that means I have to leave today and spend a night in the Capitol (its any early flight). I am really enjoying Sosua and I don't want to leave. I have yet to call my ex-girlfriend or even go to Santo Domingo. My buddy comes up with a great idea....lets stay another day. HHmmmm why not. We call the airlines and change the ticket to 5th August 2004. On the way back from the phone shop we bump into "my girl". We tell her and she is excited. She says she will get her girlfriend to cover at work and will go with us. She said though she was going to the hair dressers to get her hair done and then change. So now we are waiting around for a chica. So we decide to go to Plaza Europa for a drink. We decide that we will go Puerto Plata this time. Finally when "my girl comes back she is all dolled up. I mean she was absolutely stunning. My buddy's bottom lip was on the floor. All I could say was "Damn!!!" We ended up in a little restaurant in Puerto Plata for lunch. During lunch.....a couple of kids came up to her and gave her a yellow rose. I thought that was cute. However what was even funnier was that a tanle of 5 dominicans pull together what change they had to buy a Grande Presidente for " My Girl". I thought that was classic. She was going on about how long it had been since she had been home in Mocha and how she missed her friends and family. So I thought I score some major brownie points. My buddy and I agreed that we would cjeck out Mocha. I convinced my buddy that there were alot of beautiful chicas in Mocha, and my girl" said that she would hook him up with one of her cute girlfriends. At this point I could do no wrong. I was the perfect novio.

    My buddy says he will drive and "my novia" hints that I should sit in the cback with her. So I do and she proceeds to give me the best BBBJ and CIM that I have ever experienced in my entire life. I think I almost cried from euphoria. At that point I was fast asleep until my buddy needed directions to get to Mocha. Then I proceeded to take over and we found her neighbourhood. I must say she had the most attractive friends and had ever seen. We sat off for a while, had a couple of drinks, and then it was off to a Dominican Disco with Me , my buddy, my novia and her 2 girlfriends.

    We have a ball, and my buddy ends up dancing the night away with one of the chicas. At the end of the night we end up a a cheap burger joint and my novia and her girlfriend are discussing whether my buddy is going to get any tomite. I laugh because they didn't think I understood they fast talking (until they heard me chuckle). Once I did that they ceased their conversation....and that meant none for my buddy. I thought that it was ok, beacuse we would end up at the Cabana next to Passion's Club.

    Now the funniest thing happened. Well I thought it was hilarous, but you may think that I am just perverse @ other people's misery. When me and my "novia" decided to turn buddy decided to walk around to Passions. He came back to the Cabana late that night (without a date...don't ask me why) and the gaurd would not let him back in. My buddy didn't speak spanish....and the guard didn't speak english. So later that morning on the way out....there is my buddy, sleeping next to the gate, where he spent the entire night. So it was a given that I was driving all the way back to Sosua from Santiago by myself while everyone else was sleeping.

    Aug 4th 2004

    Now I am feeling uneasy. For this whole trip I have not paid this chica a dime. She says that she is "notaputa"....but my gut instinct tells me that this doesn't feel right. So Iam still waiting for the ceiling to come crashing on my head. Alas no talk of money, only when am I coming back. This was new territory for me and I do not know what to do. I do not want to accidently insult her by giving her money, but I wanted to clear my conscience. So I end up giving her nothing, and only promise to return.

    We are now packing to go Santo Domingo. I explain to my "novia" that we will be leaving in 15 minutes. I am saying my goodbyes to "my novia" and my buddy accidentally askes me if I going to call my ex-Novia in SDQ in front of Ms. Drama. Well she went of the deep end and went back to her apartment to pack and come with us to Santo Domingo. This we could not we quickly caught the first moto we could find and hopped on the Caribe Tour bus. My phone starts buzzing off the hook. I answer and its her calling me upset. I told her that we were making time and we couldn't wait for her. So she said that if I go to visit my ex-novia that she would "kill me". Ooooookkkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyy....that was a first for me. I have never heard a chica say to me that she was going to kill me. I normally don't have that effect on women.

    Anyway we get into Santo Dominog and of course I recieve phone calls every hour on the hour checking up on me...until about 10:00pm that night. However, I told her she could rest assure that I would not get together with my ex-novia (only because I would be hitting every whore house in Santo Domingo).

    I did the rounds....Mona Lisa, Michelle's Pisne, Elegant Center, Casa Modeles, Remington Palace. I hit them all and I hit them all!!!!


    So in the aftermath, I only spent 1 out of 8 days in Santo Domingo in which I never contacted my ex-novia. The latter days were all spent up in the North Coast where I waisted 1/2 of that with Yuby ("my north coast novia"). My buddy had the time of his life...where as I spent 40% of that in arguments. the end Uve emailed me to ask me for some money for her sick abuela. I suspect her girlfirends probably put her up to it, or this was the original setup from the beginning.Can anyone tell me what the moral of this story?

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    That evening, I first took my mate to crystals. The first thing I hear from Uve is "how do you know about this place", of course no answer is the correct answer and then we get into an arguement.
    Now that has to be one of the funniest lines I have ever read in a report!

    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    ...I didn't really see anything in there worth taking....but obviously my buddy did....and he proceeded to. So once again my date goes ballistic. I pretty much ignore it and finally I get the silent treatment....I convinced my buddy that there were alot of beautiful chicas in Mocha, and my girl" said that she would hook him up with one of her cute girlfriends....At the end of the night we end up a a cheap burger joint and my novia and her girlfriend are discussing whether my buddy is going to get any tomite. I laugh because they didn't think I understood they fast talking (until they heard me chuckle). Once I did that they ceased their conversation....and that meant none for my buddy.
    Man you have a heart of gold! Your girl didn't hook him up, if there was a discussion it should have been a yes. Don't get me wrong I have been screwed before or actually not-screwed but I wouldn't have hung with that shit. It would have been another arguement and $500RD for her to catch a taxi back to Sosua...

    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    I thought that it was ok, beacuse we would end up at the Cabana next to Passion's Club.
    Can we get a review, how was it, cost, etc?

    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31 the end Uve emailed me to ask me for some money for her sick abuela. I suspect her girlfirends probably put her up to it, or this was the original setup from the beginning.Can anyone tell me what the moral of this story?
    Yeah probably a setup, if you have a few bucks and really like her send a bit of money. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". Just don't send money a second time, then it's a scam.

    As for the moral of the story, not sure...Don't get hooked up with not-a-putas unless you want to argue...

  7. #6
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    Moral #2

    Don't go to the DR and get entangled in drama you left home to get away from!!

    (Actually a mantra to myself to repeat over and over and over)

    76 hours....

  8. #7
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    Hey Don, its funny you asked about the review for the cabana....because I took alot of pictures of it. We actually stayed in the Presidential suite by accident. I didn't pay attention to where I was driving (to busy agruing I guess). I was a two story Cabana with a Jacuzzi, spiral stair case large bed and dinning area and an ok bathroom.

    The cost of that particular Cabana was $RD495. I will email you the pics of the room.

    By the way...I never send money....I have never ever sent money and have heard all of the stories about the mother having a heart problems, the sister with the neumonia, etc.... However I would give money when I was in the country. If she would of given me that story while I was in the country I might of broke down and helped a little (only because I wasn't paying anything in the first place). However all bets are off once I my feet are off the soil. I told her that her grandmother will have to hold on until my return. I know I sound like a cold and heartless bastard, but I also am not a v ery trusting individual. 2 years of living in the DR will do that to you.

    However I have to agree that I could get similar drama and agruing at home. In reflection I should of just stuck with my buddy and went mongering....however the girl was such a bombshell that I think I had temporary insanity and played novios for a short while.

  9. #8
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    nice report papi chulo..., haha... i would have given her a lil regalo before i left like at least 1000 pesos for the best bbbj you ever got... seems like you are going to have problems with this girl... its time to visit other places then Sosua from now on... Its much harder to break up in DR then to find a novia and im sure you know that already if you lived there!!!

  10. #9
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    Yeah hindsight I should of given her something. However, from my brief experience with her...I knew she would of went ballistic again (the whole notaputa thing which she was boasting.....really it was her loss).

    However, this is the first time I have really spent some time in Sosua, and I want to go back. I do not want to go anywhere else right now. Well perhaps Puerto Plata and Cabarette which I really enjoyed. However I was really digging the discos in Sosua. So I don't know how that is going to work out in the end. Also I don't consider her to be a novia right I will probably end up being a cold hearlest bastard if she sees me again.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynBeas
    Its much harder to break up in DR then to find a novia and im sure you know that already if you lived there!!!

    No reason to break up her, its your RULES not hers!!

    You want access to trip reports?

    Google Wallet

  12. #11
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    Re: Trip 28 July 2004 - 4th Aug 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    Anna seems to be very friendly and starts giving me a good lap rub. So not only 3 minutes after Soronji.....up to the room with Yocasta.
    Ok, Ok, here I fuckin go again . . . ANNA ? ? Back at the Palace?
    Who me ? ? ?
    nahhhh . . . move along, move along . . .

  13. #12
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    Re: Trip 28 July 2004 - 4th Aug 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by the_Jayman
    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    Anna seems to be very friendly and starts giving me a good lap rub. So not only 3 minutes after Soronji.....up to the room with Yocasta.
    Ok, Ok, here I fuckin go again . . . ANNA ? ? Back at the Palace?

    Well if one of her regulars left, do you expect her to stay home?

  14. #13
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    I'm sorry Jayman.....not Anna it was Yocasta. I forgot to change the name. That is the name that she gave me. However the photo on this board says differently

  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    I'm sorry Jayman.....not Anna it was Yocasta. I forgot to change the name. That is the name that she gave me. However the photo on this board says differently
    Which Yocasta?

  16. #15
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    I am all confused. It seems her name might be Mikki. There are two pics of her on this site under the pictures discussion...where she is in the Sosua Palace pool with just some white panties. I will see if I can link to it

  17. #16
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    Isn't her name Natali ?

    Yocasta is the first on on the linked page in White panties?


  18. #17
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    You could be right.....I am the worst person when it comes to name. Usually I am too busy getting mines to think about remembering names.

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    I am all confused. It seems her name might be Mikki. There are two pics of her on this site under the pictures discussion...where she is in the Sosua Palace pool with just some white panties. I will see if I can link to it
    Quote Originally Posted by the_Jayman
    Isn't her name Natali ?
    Yes the chica in the picture is definitely Natalie, by the way that is her "American" name I have her real name written down somewhere...

    She is really good friends with Claudia and they will party together, actually Natalie will party with almost any female, very BI!

  20. #19
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    Yeah.....all I can say is that Natalie was a wild women. That experience was pretty high up there on one of my best experiences list . These for me seem to be very few and far in between nowadays.

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babyboy31
    Yeah.....all I can say is that Natalie was a wild women. That experience was pretty high up there on one of my best experiences list . These for me seem to be very few and far in between nowadays.
    So did you like her tongue?

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