The Minister of Industry and Commerce has issued a statement where it postpones its decision on whether gasoline stations can sell propane gas to vehicles. The National Association of Gasoline Retailers (Anadegas) fill-up stations want to become "service stations," offering consumers gasoline, diesel, propane and natural gas, when it becomes available. The National Association of Distributors of Liquid Petroleum Gas (Asonadigas) wants to keep its monopoly on propane sales.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce admits there is no law that can impede the Anadegas stations from selling propane. The Ministry alleges technical reasons for the postponing of when Anadegas members can offer the alternate fuel.
Juan Ignacio Espaillat, president of Anadegas, says that the organization has been requesting the Ministry of Industry & Commerce to authorize the sales by them for five years now. He explains that today 38% of vehicles have been outfitted with propane, as consumers seek savings. Espaillat says that in December 2007, President Leonel Fernandez already established the technical norms to be used for selling propane in gasoline stations when he issued Decree 127-07 that established that until the country puts in place its own propane vending ruling, the sale will be governed by international norms. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce says it will hire an international firm to consult with the Department of Systems and Norms (Digenor) to set the local ruling.
