Megan Fox has taken a swipe at fellow sex symbol Scarlett Johansson, accusing the actress of showing off about her high IQ.

The Transformers star resents the assumption that sexy stars are unintelligent - but she insists she shouldn't have to prove to anyone how smart she really is.

Fox tells American magazine Esquire, "I don't want to have to be like a Scarlett Johansson - who I have nothing against. But I don't want to have to go on talk shows and pull out every single SAT word I've ever learned, to prove, like, 'Take me seriously, I am intelligent, I can speak.' I don't want to have to do that. I resent having to prove that I'm not a retard." via

I think Megan's just jealous because she's dumber, and not as pretty as, Scarlett.
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