Reports are that the three luxury high-rise apartment blocks with a total of 180 apartments on Av. Gregorio Luperon on the western side of the exclusive Los Cacicazgos neighborhood are almost finished. They were begun four years ago and there is speculation that they are for leading figures within the ruling PLD party. Hoy newspaper reports that the complex is said to have cost RD$1 billion. The National Institute of Housing (INVI) is building the apartments with taxpayer money. Each 17-floor tower contains sixty 3-bedroom, 165-square meter apartments. The Maireni residential complex of apartments allocated to government officials during the first Fernandez government (1996-2000) is to the east of the complex.
Hoy reports that in 2009, INVI director Alma Fernandez denied they were for government officers. She said the apartments were being built "for professionals, middle class Dominicans."
