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Thread: good guides?

  1. #41
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    ... mostly need them to show me the less hardcore girls and maybe get me lower prices with them.
    Just noticed this bit. It's hilarious! Just what planet are you from again?

    Firstly, the less hardcore girls avoid these hustlers like the plague. Why would they want to share their income or possibly get beaten up and lose all their takings?

    Secondly, anything these guys arrange is always going to be more expensive than you could arrange with the same chica, store, or whatever, because they want their cut too. After all, they have to live (although I am not sure why, exactly).

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  3. #42
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    Where did he learn, New York?
    Rykers of course.

    Dominicans who speak good English have no need to bum a few pesos as guides unless:

    --- They have criminal records or a drug habit which stop them getting proper jobs, or

    --- They are planning to rip you off in some really worthwhile scam. Popular ones are framing you with actual or alleged under-age girls and framing you with drug possession. These are two of the few offences that the authorities are actually pro-active about here. And they don't have to prove you guilty. You have to prove you are innocent. Almost impossible, so you will be glad to pay US$10,000 or US$15,000 to get out of jail.

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  5. #43
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    Re: good guides?

    damn i love this site i got so many replies in only few hours.

    i appreciate everyones advice.

    i will post on the roll call when i arrive to see who is in town. i will also read the weyland's posts that someone recommended.

    I only asked because from experiences of travelling you can find some gems whether it be girls or restaurants if you venture out of the more touristy places. i was just curious to know if sosua was the same way.

    thanks for all your advice guys i am sure it will someone else down the road.

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  7. #44
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    damn i love this site i got so many replies in only few hours.

    i appreciate everyones advice.

    i will post on the roll call when i arrive to see who is in town. i will also read the weyland's posts that someone recommended.

    I only asked because from experiences of travelling you can find some gems whether it be girls or restaurants if you venture out of the more touristy places. i was just curious to know if sosua was the same way.

    thanks for all your advice guys i am sure it will someone else down the road.
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  8. #45
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    Where did he learn, New York?

    lol no he actually is an ex military guy and showed me his id and seems to know everyone - everywhere we went people knew him.

    hopefully it will help someone out - he is good to use for pick up at airports also
    Mirage6 "The Producer"

  9. #46
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    i like rolling solo. i am just looking for someone to show me around for maybe an hour or two each day (or until i get the hang of things). mostly need them to show me the less hardcore girls and maybe get me lower prices with them. nothing too special. don't really want them to hang with me all day long just for when i want to go hunting.

    i can do stuff on my own but its just sort of backup plan for me and i think it would be cool to have someone to roll with my first night there so i can learn how things work there first hand.

    thanks for your help EC i will try and find Roman if i can.

    anyone else got any other recommendations and what price is fair for what i am looking for?
    So, are you trying to save a few pesos with the hookers by paying a middle man?
    Dmoney, you don't need a guide in Sosua (personally, I don't need one anywhere), once you get there, you'll see how small that place really is.

    Forget about the English speaking deportees, talk to other mongers and you'll fair better. Don't worry, just go and have fun!

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  11. #47
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    That price is supposed to be for the whole 6 days. lol some guy on here told me that was what he payed one dude for his whole week stay. ... so i was basing my prices on what he told me. EC told me that is a bit on the cheap side so now i don't know. That seemed like a fair price since the person would be showing me around for only an hour or two.

    longbeach gave me a suggestion that i think might be my solution. I did not plan on going to passions or cmp my whole trip since the girl i was looking forward to grudge fucking (ryatt style) got fired. But i think i will go there the first night and take out one of the girls out and have them show me around. I think the likelihood of them scamming me would be less but if any of them tried that shit i would take her back pronto and get my refund.

    I don't mind hanging with older dudes i just didn't think any of them would be around when i was traveling. only a few guys said they were going to be there in the roll call post and i think all of them are newbies like me.

    i appreciate everyones help so far and i will try to get a report up after i come back to show my appreciation.

    on a sidenote anyone know how to change the countdown? my dates on there are wrong. i don't leave until next week
    That's pretty funny! You'll see plenty of those around!

  12. #48
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    Re: good guides?

    Wait Robert 718212347917 speaks perfect Spanish. Damn, where the hell have I been.

    But seriously you don't need a guide, if you have any social skills go to New Garden, hangout by the pool, introduce yourself to a few dudes. Read up on the trip reports on this board. Its like a true map on what to do and what not to do. Print out Erik S's map of Sosua its spot on. Brush up on your Spanish. Learn a few words.

    Hugrad95a's Art of Negotiating the Deal. Thank me later...

    Senorita, Mami, Que lo Que, Como tu ta linda
    Translation: Miss, what's up, How are you lovely.(in Dominican)

    Oye, mami, Yo pienso que tu eres muy bonita.
    Hey Mami, I think you are very pretty.

    Quiere ir conmigo a mi hotel? Si.?
    Do you want to go with me to my hotel? Yes.

    Yo pago solo un mil quientos pesos por dos horas y dos mil por toda la noche y no mas.
    I pay only 1500 pesos for two hours and 2000 pesos for all night, and no more.

    Tu entiende, no quiero una problema mas tarde. Sě, acuerde, Vamos mi, amor.

    Do you understand, I don't want a problem later. Yes, you agree, lets go my love.

    Damn, I miss the DR....

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  14. #49
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by TONYTNT40 View Post
    If thats what you want, you are doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing to attain it. The hustlers will only know the hard core and you will increase your price because you are paying a commission. You dont need a tour guide, Sosua is only one street, and you will meet many like minded guys. Start at New Garden and have a drink at the bar, and go from there. The less you know Spanish the better, the chicas cant hustle you, because you cant understand them. Ficky, ficky is all you need to know. Leave the DR hustlers alone, they are nothing but trouble and they are looking to get into your pockets. Read both of Weylands posts, he was spot on.
    My 1st mongering trip i was traveling solo, and I didnt speak the language. I used to sit at this restaurant alone, and I met this local, he used to sit with me and chat. Normally, I would have dismissed him, but I grew tired of hearing Portuguese and wanted to hear English. This guy always wanted me to come back to his apt, so he could get me girls. Two reasons , I had a problem with that, one the guy only had two teeth in his mouth, and two I wasnt stupid. Whenever the girls would show up, and I would walk over to the beach with them the guy would disappear.
    I didnt take me long to figure out, he wanted to get me in his neighborhood, so him and his friends could rob me and gut me like a fish. I am glad I wasnt looking for any tour guides. Try not to be a statistic, and whatever you do, do not go to anyones apt, stick to your turf, (your hotel).
    I think he should learn, as much spanish a possible, One so he can listen out for the okey doke and you do get more respect as a smart gringo if you can speak the language and can brush off the bullshiters which sometimes can be a job in its self.

    Good advice though, definitely dont go trying to the "local thing if you don't speak the language"

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  16. #50
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    Re: good guides?

    thanks hugrad

    yeah i am doing the rosetta stone now. i am going to put the pimsleur on my zune today

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  18. #51
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    I only asked because from experiences of travelling you can find some gems whether it be girls or restaurants if you venture out of the more touristy places. i was just curious to know if sosua was the same way.
    OK, now you are talking sense. Sosúa is indeed exactly like that. The further you get away from it the more the quality/price ratio improves but the convenience also drops off. But don't venture into the "less touristy places" with some street hustler you just met. Very risky. Arrange to share a taxi with 2/3 other guys or share with a monger who has his own car. Visit Montellano, Puerto Plata, Sabaneta de Yasica, Gaspar Hernandez and other nearby towns and you might find a gem. Even if you don't you will see a bit of the real DR.

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  20. #52
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney View Post
    thanks hugrad

    yeah i am doing the rosetta stone now. i am going to put the pimsleur on my zune today
    If your trip is next week. Rosetta Stone isnt really gonna help. Start with a few greetings then go into the negotiation I posted earlier.

    FYI, DR slang for pussy is toto.

    Hola: Hello.

    Como esta:how are you.

    Como se llama: What is your name.

    Me llamo es D' money :My name is D money.

    De donde eres?: Where are you from.

    Soy de Estados Unidos. Yo vivo Chicago: I am from the US. I live in Chicago.

    Vamos: Lets go

    Adios: Goodbye.

    Master this first then you can graduate to step two. Shit talking with the chicas.
    Now this might not be grammatically correct right but, its worked for me.

    Mami, yo quiero comer la chocha toto la noche. Mi pinga esta muy fuerte por la toto.

    I want to eat the the pussy all night. My dick is hard for the pussy.

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  22. #53
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    Re: good guides?

    when r u leaving d money? and 2 wingmen r leaving this fri to san dom....for the weekend...then sousa all next week...staying at,if u or anybody is there?...come thru
    Just becuz u pour syrup on ur shoes......dont make'em pancakes!!

  23. #54
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    Re: good guides?

    Tour guide ?!?
    Weyland , once again thanks for telling it like it is...Hopefully some will listen.
    Why is this stuff so difficult for new guys to get their heads around ?
    If hes a Dominican Male in Sosua, speaks perfect english, and has no visible job, guess what you are the JOB. Eventually he's going to fuck you over. These guys are Criminals who were THROWN OUT(deported). They did not go to a "tour guide school"
    And as weyland said, if he gets his stink on you, you will not be able to wash it off so fast. For several trips you will be marked as a sucker. If you even come back, which btw he does not care about, he doesnt work for the board of tourism.

    Would you invite this kind of guy into your house and show him where your valuables are ? if NOT, then why would you invite him into your Vacation so he can ask you all kinds of personal questions, all designed to see how soft you are, how much money he can extract from you, or maybe even how he can possibly set you up for a big Score.
    If you enjoy overpaying and having hardcore drama chicas fuck with you, then I guess this is the way to go.

    I can't even believe someone would deliberately seek out these hustlers.

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  25. #55
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by jd426 View Post
    Why is this stuff so difficult for new guys to get their heads around ?
    We were all new to the game at one time!

    It's pretty easy for those of us who have reaped the benefits of being active in ISOC for years, as well as the Tutelage of our mentors on the ground to forget that there was a day that we (I) didn't know jack shit.

    I think back to my first few trips, even after my extensive research on ISOC, and the extensive tutelage of Dominican Billy , I still managed to make my share of mistakes (I still do).

    Today... after 10 trips to the DR, I still manage to make mistakes and/or create learning opportunities, and learn from them (hopefully).

    IMHO ... We (including me) forget this all too often ... and when we do ... How many newbies do we scare off of asking the same questions that we once had to ask?

    This thread is in the newbie section ... exactly where this question should be asked, and the feedback has been excellent for the OP ...

    Giving back to those who follow us is a great way to Thank those who helped/taught us along the way!
    You are not special!

    She is not different than the others!

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  27. #56
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    Re: good guides?

    I agree with you completely... Everyone was new at one time, absol no shame in asking questions, and we should be willing to give back by answering them, no matter how repetitive it seems.
    but....... I was merely echoing Weylands comments , and perhaps recalling some of MY frustrations, because even IN person on the ground in Sosua I had a very difficult time convincing Newbies that these Hustlers are NOT to be used, played with or recruited in any way for ANY services, no matter how helpful they seem to be.
    I was repeatedly told by newbies, "oh, hes ok, you just have to know WHEN to use him". ....I am still shaking my head..
    Play with Criminals (and thats what these guys are, make no mistake), and you will get burned sooner or later. It does make one feel like a broken record.

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  29. #57
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    Re: good guides?

    Lurker here replying to this thread.
    This is some great information. Especially from Weyland. I went to DR for the first time a few months ago. Had a great time but was also suckered by my Dominican "friend". My DR great buddy chose to nickel and dime me to death after buttering me up for a few days. Be polite and cordial but don't be a sucker. Let people know upfront that you are not to be fucked with.

    He was really nice to me, but always gave aggressive stairs to my "girlfriend" . She hated his fucken guts and stupid ole me wasn't paying attention. I was gettin laid with hot girl and drinkin my ass off.

    I wish I had known about this board before I went. I would have had even more fun than I did before.

    I'm comin back this summer and hope to meet some of the experts for a drank.

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  31. #58
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    Re: good guides?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kennilingus View Post
    We were all new to the game at one time! It's pretty easy for those of us who have reaped the benefits of being active in ISOC for years, as well as the Tutelage of our mentors on the ground to forget that there was a day that we (I) didn't know jack shit.

    I think back to my first few trips, even after my extensive research on ISOC, and the extensive tutelage of Dominican Billy , I still managed to make my share of mistakes ...
    I have been very arrogant and all-knowing in this thread so it's only fair that I own up to having made exactly the same mistake in my second trip to the DR, when I stayed at the late lamented Field of Dreams, managed by the afore-mentioned Dominican Billy. I allowed a Puerto Plata tiguere and his buddy to latch on to me. No great harm was done. I bought a few rounds of drinks I might otherwise have avoided and probably paid double for a rather nice chica they found me. One day they agreed to drive me to Sosúa. We got as far as La Unión and the car's engine literally fell out onto the road. I know nothing about cars or mechanics but I wouldn't have thought that possible. I jumped on a motoconcho and continued without them. For the rest of my trip and most of my following visit (which lasted 11 weeks) these guys were blowing up my phone asking me to contribute towards a new car as it wouldn't have happened had they not been doing me a favor driving me to Sosúa (at normal private taxis rates, of course). I was a bit nervous of bumping into them again in case it turned ugly, but it never did.

    Earlier I had proudly taken my new tiguere friends into Field of Dreams. I thought I was Jack the Lad mixing with the streetwise guys. Kennilingus and others who know Billy can imagine what Billy's reaction was. He tore me a new ass. I thought he was being totally unreasonable and unhospitable to my guests but later I realized just how right he was. Inviting tigueres like that into a secure area like Field of Dreams is like introducing a new virus into a hospital.

    Actually I think those guys were fairly harmless. Latching onto gringos was not their main source of income like the ones in Sosúa, they had a few small-time legit operations like a beach cafe and fishing trips. But you never really know. Had I left an opening they wouldn't have hesitated to rip me off.
    Last edited by weyland; 05-11-2011 at 12:37 AM.

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  33. #59
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    Re: good guides?

    Blackbeards is a great set of training wheels for the DR, I finally graduated to general population and am exploring SDQ and Sosua, but usually stay one night at blackbeards because the emails give me an erection, and a personal check list.

    However that being said, I always rent a car and head up to Sosua, if u don't plan on renting a car, it will probably be a hassle or pain in the ass if you don't meet somebody staying there with a car.

    I also think it would be a mistake, if you don't at least have a beer, soda, or a bottle water in Passions. I'm not saying you have to get a girl there, but you really need to at least check it out. I didn't get a girl at CMP last time, but had a few beers there last time. I love Mcdonalds, but every once in a while gotta go to Wendys, meaning Passions and CMP. I plan on going to both, with more emphasis on the Passions part on m next trip.

    I plan on going there at least once a day around 9-10pm where the rates are cheapest for overnight. There is very good lighting, and all the girls are a like Kosher certified, (meaning looks and not ripping you off, not to say that it hasn't happened)

    I hate to go way off topic, but it is one of my great stories about Sosua to share with veterans and newbies, and friends and I think it is appropriate.

    Robert mentioned to us about 300 peso BJ's around Sosua. After further discussion we learned about the massage places. Although I had a bad experience there, I am still planning on going back there, now armed with better information and different strategy.

    Walking around Sosua, you will often get asked by girls in front of stores or alleys about massages, I usually just walked right by them and said No Thank you.

    Anyway, me and my friend basically said we at least gotta try this. So the instructions were simple, We were at the NG, and he told us to make an right, at the front door, walk straight until a girl asks you for a massage, about 30 yards.

    If I recall correctly, this is in more detail if you search "Suck Houses" for this place and the competition around Sosua.

    Anyway, we both made a commitment to get any 2 girls there no matter what. We arrive and a young dark girl asked us if we wanted to get a massage. She was nothing what we imagined, and was way above our expectations, not my cup of tea, but more then acceptable. Very cute girl, we were expecting something like a Female captain Jack Sparrow, who spoke spanish and had no teeth and was 45-50 years old.

    Anyway, flipped a coin and my buddy won, and he went in. I walked back towards NG to the pharmacy, bought some stuff, and walked back, about 5-6 minutes, and another girl was sitting outside asked me for a massage. Again, more then acceptable, and very cute girl. I go in and on the advice of Robert, he said to get the half hour and not the whole hour. Anyway I walking into a small room, and basically it is like the doctors office, with a bench you can lie down on , with a pillow, and recliner. It had curtains around for some ghetto privacy, and fans. I personally am not a massage guy, so I just dropped my shorts and got up on the bench. I shouted for my friend, and sure enough he was on the other side of the room.

    She put some kind of lotion on my penis, and began with a hand job. After about 5 minutes, I quickly realized for 300 pesos, its only a hand job, I asked how much would it be for BJ, I don't remember how much it was, but I think she told me 600 or 700 pesos for the half hour, and I gave her the green light. She washed my penis off of the lotion, and proceeded to give me amazing head.

    I want to get into more detail about the lotion she used. It was in a gallon, and, I guess it was some kind of heating, rubbing massage oil. On my penis, it felt like a mixture or Vegetable oil, Bleach, Drano, and a splash of Anti freeze for some color. I did not like this stuff, and will specifically ask them not to use it next time.

    Anyway, there was some traces of generic Viagra, and Mambo 36 in my system and it was a tough for me to bust a nut, which wasn't my problem, it was her problem. This girl could go for many minutes without air, and was performing very well. After about 10-12 minutes, she is jerking me off by hand, and I am enjoying the situation like any man would, and have my eyes closed. Well she decided to put more of the liquid molten lava and my cock, and was going on. At this point, I really lost all interest, and told her I didn't like the oil, and to please wash it off since it was melting my penis.

    I paid her the 600 pesos, and I think I gave her 100 peso tip for the effort. It wasn't a great this time, but good enough to go back, and to ask them not to use the oil, I am considering bringing my own lube next time. This is based on the assumption that there are cute girls working there again.

    I hope you guys enjoyed the story, and agree with most of the people on the thread and don't think you need a guide. There are some great people I met at Blackbeards, NG and in Sosua in general, (Speaking of mongerers) who will be willing to tag along with you, or you can tag along with them. In fact I am meeting 2 guys from previous trips who I met for the first time, at blackbeards down there, We keep in touch by text and email, and this is our 3rd trip.

    I've learned something new every trip down there, and made mistakes on every trip, but its all been good. You just need some common sense, money, penis and a good attitude and you will have the time of your life. I myself tend to over prepare for trips, but often found myself finding it unecessary a the end of the trip, Good luck and have fun.

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  35. #60
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    Re: good guides?

    i am not a big fan of BB's . that was the first place i came across before i found this site. i am not really a big fan of the "point and click" deal.

    interesting story lol too bad they used that lotion on you. it seemed like the girls showed good effort.

    i also agree i tend to over prepare whenever i travel as well. I think once i get there most of the stuff i planned will go out the window

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