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Thread: 02/2010 - Getting started as a monger, the new section

  1. #41
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by MrMagnum View Post
    Amen. Is it possible to get exchange in bills that dont include 2000?? I always ask for as few as possible when I get my money exchanged. And i'm quickly scrambling for to try to get change for smaller bills

    when i get change, i state very simply and emphatically, no 2000 bills, lots of 500 bills and smaller bills .

    that all said, the will not give me any 2000 bills because i simply say no, they dont give up much small stuff so they make it up in 500's

    make a laundry list of what you want. say you are cashing $500 which would be roughly 18,500 pesos.

    500 -14
    and then 2500 pesos in smaller bills. they will struggle more with the last part than the first part

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  3. #42
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by ralphie1 View Post
    couple hours, and and 3000/ $83.33 for an overnighter. Keep in mind, things are different in the DR than stateside. Short appt. typically, not always , but typically are OSOG and the overnighter is OSOG that night and another SOG in the morning. This varies greatly, but that is what you should expect. Anything addl. Is a bonus. The key here is to be explicit and precise and negotiate what you want. If you want two or three shots, say so first. If you want cim , say so. Also, make sure you understand how much you agreed on. Pull out your pad and write it down and show it to her. Also, write “pesos” after the amount so you dont have her try the BS afterwards that she was talking dollars. They will try to con you

    in sosua, a short time appt is around 1000/ $27.78 , 1500 tops, and overnighter 1500, tops2000/ $55.55.

    bring your own condoms, and lots of them, and bring some lube. Nothing worse than if you hit a dry hole. I have also encountered some of the tightest pussies ever in the DR. there seem to be an abuncance of spinners there, maybe 95 pounds soaking wet. Not to mention, you may well be trying to make your personal best in the number of shots per day. Some slip and slide goes a long way towards that end. No sense in getting a sore dick. If you want or need some dick meds, they are readily available in the DR. at blackbeards, they sell them at the front desk. In sosua at the new garden, two doors down is a pharmacy. They typically say not to bring in any script med you dont have a script for. Illicit drug use in the DR is very frowned on, and lots of little stings are set up to fleece people out of their money. If you are going to the DR to do some 420, get that thought out of your mind. You DO NOT want to go to a DR jail. You want to recreate with a drug other than viagra or cialis, go find somebody else to hang with. You are not going to find any friends in this group

    for some reason, they do not give you wash cloths for your shower in the DR. if you are like me, I like a washcloth. Bring your own. Also, bring a bar of soap. The little bars they give you, coupled with the lack of a washcloth and the number of showers you will be taking suck. Two of the small bars they give is barely enough for the gals, let alone you. Nothing worse than having a small bar of soap broke in three pieces because it is so thin. Keep in mind, the DR is a humid country. Hot and humid. You take a shower before and after sex. The gals do as well. It is SOP down there. If she doesnt want a shower, run. Also, bring your own shampoo, they dont provide it. You could well take 6-8 showers in a days time if you were hitting it hard

    the water is not fit to drink. Will make you sick. Drink bottled water only. When brushing your teeth, rinse with bottled water. It is ok to rinse your brush off with tap water, just leave it out to dry. Keep your mouth shut in the shower as well. Lol a little is not going to hurt a thing, I.e. Your lips being damp, etc... just try not to swallow any water. Spit it out. Meds are readily available should you catch a bug, but with a little common sense, it is a non issue. Cipro, a broad range antibiotic will wipe easily wipeout any food or waterborne illness you could get if you get sloppy in your approach. Remember, dont drink the water, and be mindful of eating food from a street vendor. Zentel will also wipe out montezumas revenge easily.

    at blackbeards, they have a small mini bar in the room. It has beer, pop , water and chips I think. Not sure what all else in it. Maybe some rum as well. There is also a grocery store around the corner that you can pick things up as well.
    In sousua, there are stores either way from the new garden , just a few doors away, that you can get water./pop./ beer . There is a mini fridge in the room. New garden also has a bar and a restaurant. These both close I think around 11 or so. Not sure. Never there at that time

    surge protector. Bring a surge protector to protect anything electric or electronic you bring. I.e. Computer, camera, ipod etc... the electricity is very up and down in the DR and you must protect yourself from surges. Even with the generators kicking in right away, power varies greatly and it is not if the electric goes out, it is when the electric goes out

    blackbeards has wireless. Works rather slow , sometimes , in the rooms. Works well around the pool/ restaurant area. Blackbeards also has a computer there you can use. New garden hotel has good wireless. Works everywhere, including the room. At least it did in mine, I was in the new section. Seems I may have heard it doesnt work so well in the old section (note, wireless screwed up for 4 days here this trip. Sucks having to go to the internet cafe to check in for work)

    suntan lotion , a hat to cover your head. It gets hot out in the sun. if you have troubles with getting burnt, you will for sure in the DR. I got super fried and dehydrated the last day of our trip this spring. Spent the afternoon frolicking in the pool with the chickadees. Knew I was getting some sun. just didnt realize how much. Made me sick. Missed the last night party there. In bed sick with the chills and fever.

    Taxi fare from santiago airport to sosua is 90-100 dollars, U.S. There is a board up with all the cities and what they charge there. Blackbeards is puerto plata, costamar beach, 75-80 bucks. Get your dollar amount agreed upon before you set foot in the cab or they get a handle on any of your luggage. It is slightly negotiable. Last trip down, they wanted 90 bucks , which was higher than the board rate and quickly backed off when we said no. cab rates are high. Between the gas being high and the cost of vehicles on the island coupled with a taxi mafia, the rates are high. It isnt so bad when you split the fare with another. Check at the hotel if any others are going to the airport the same trip you are. The rate is the same for one passenger as it is for 2 or 4. if you have more than 2, they will try and surcharge you. Tell them to get lost. They will capitulate. I will check with blacbeards a few weeks in advance to see if anybody else is coming in at the same time as our flights to see if any rideshare can be worked out. Highly doubt it, we will be 25% of their biz, doesnt leave a lot when you spread the rest of the arrivals out over a handful of days and the different flight times but worth a try

    tipping a surcharge is already figured in on your food. A small tip is customary but not necessary. Same with drinks. HOWEVER, tipping you barmaid once and again thru the night has its benefits

    tipping the gals, like here in the states is not necessary. Remember, you are paying them a weeks wages for an hours work. If a gal really trips you trigger, trip away. Remember this though, the more money we throw at them , the more they want. Dont be part of the problem

    fwiw dept. dont tell the gals on the local boards you are going to the DR. in their minds, every person in that country has HIV. Just keep a lid on it. You dont want some jealous broad starting problems for you (they would cock block you by telling others that you were in the DR and you know how the gals are down there, ) and try to make it so you could only see them
    English/Spanish Phrase Guide

    the islanders appreciate an effort at at least attempting some of the language. Also, it can be fun to teach each other your respective languages. Also gives an old fart something in common with a young hottie besides your having a dick and her wanting it. That being said, cross out the word dick, like or love and put in “my money” and you will get the hint. Lol she is loving the bucks, nothing else


    hello -- hola
    goodbye -- adios
    Good Morning/Day -- buenos dias
    Good Afternoon -- buenas tardes
    Good evening/night -- buenas noches
    Nice to meet you -- mucho gusto
    My name is… -- Mi nombre es…
    How are you? -- Como esta?
    Very well, thank you -- Muy bien, gracias
    See you soon -- Hasta luego.


    Please -- por favor
    thank you -- gracias
    you're welcome -- de nada
    yes -- si
    no -- no
    good -- bueno
    bad -- malo
    sorry -- perdon/disculpame
    excuse me -- permiso
    I -- yo
    you (informal) -- tu
    you (formal) -- usted
    he/she/it -- el/ella
    we -- nosotros
    you (plural) -- ustedes
    they -- ellos/ellas

    At the hotel:

    I'm American -- Soy americano/a
    I'm Canadian -- Soy canadiense
    I'm British -- Soy Ingles
    Hotel -- hotel
    bathroom -- baño
    price -- precio
    money -- dinero
    bank -- banco
    key -- llave
    room -- habitacion
    beach -- playa
    towels -- toallas
    soap -- jabon

    Food and drink:

    the restaurant -- el restaurante
    menu -- menu
    food -- comida
    breakfast -- desayuno
    lunch -- almuerzo
    dinner -- cena
    drinks -- bebidas
    water -- agua
    juice -- jugo
    soft drink -- refresco
    beer -- cerveza
    rum -- ron
    rum and coke -- cuba libre
    rum and 7-up -- santa libre
    red wine -- vino tinto
    white wine -- vino blanco
    ice -- hielo
    milk -- leche
    coffee -- cafe
    tea -- te
    salt/pepper -- sal/pimienta
    sugar -- azucar


    small corner grocery -- colmado
    store -- tienda
    bus -- guagua
    motocycle taxi -- motoconcho
    post card -- tarjeta
    post office -- correo
    stamp -- sello
    telephone -- telefono
    beauty salon -- peluqueria

    General phrases:

    Can you help me please? -- Me ayuda por favor?
    Do you need help? -- Necesita ayuda?
    Do you speak English? -- Habla ingles?
    I don't speak Spanish -- No hablo español
    Is this purified water? -- Es agua purificado?
    Where's the bathroom? -- Donde esta el baño?
    The bill, please -- La cuenta, por favor
    I don't understand -- No intiendo
    Please speak slowly -- Hable despacio por favor
    Where is/are… -- Donde esta/estan…
    I would like… -- Quisiera…
    What is the exchange rate? -- Que es la tasa de cambio?
    Bon appetit! -- Buen provecho!

    Shopping phrases:

    How much is it? -- Cuanto cuesta?
    It's cheap/expensive -- Es barato/caro
    It's too much -- Es demasiado
    I would like to buy… -- Quiero comprar…
    Can you help me? -- Puede ayudarme?
    I like it -- Me gusta.
    I don't like it -- No me gusta
    Please leave me alone -- Por favor, dejeme
    Thank you for your help -- Gracias por su ayuda


    one -- uno
    two -- dos
    three -- tres
    four -- cuatro
    five -- cinco
    six -- seis
    seven -- siete
    eight -- ocho
    nine -- nueve
    ten -- diez
    twenty -- veinte
    thirty -- treinta
    forty -- cuarenta
    fifty -- cincuenta
    sixty -- sesenta
    seventy -- setenta
    eighty -- ochenta
    ninety -- noventa
    one hundred – cien
    important things to remember. Consider them to be gotta do's

    beer bottles are not all twist off. Bring a bottle opener for your room if you drink in your room

    make a photo copy of your passport to carry on your person

    cash only, no credit card use except in an emergency. Travelers checks hard to cash (if not impossibleand not recommended. Bring 50-100 U.S. Singles, some 20's . ,10's and 5's. Maybe2- 400 bucks broken down
    you guys are going to be arriving late and dont have time to stop to change dollars to pesos. Comus and I will cash extra so you will be covered as the party will start shortly on your arrival
    only bring two credit cards, leave the rest of your cards and other contents of your wallet in the states.
    Notify your credit card company you what dates you are going to be in the DR

    copy the numbers of you cc's and the 800 numbers to call should you loose your credit cards for some reason and carry them somewhere in your luggage

    bar of soap and a wash cloth if you desire(no wash clothes in the DR , or shampoo for that matter

    bring your own condoms, (bring plenty) and lube

    small note pad and pen, carry in your shirt pocket

    surge protector for your electronics

    suntann lotion and hat

    carry your cash on your body at all times while in transit. Keep your electronics in a carry on, do not check them. May not be there when you get there
    good info

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  5. #43
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Westy View Post
    Great guide, Ralphie -

    One thing that might have gotten more coverage is the money-belt thing. Cash is king - to be sure - and it can be hard to get an ATM machine to dispense it.

    Some years ago, I found an "Eagle Creek" money-pouch that has a long twill-tape loop to hang it from your belt; then you tuck the pouch inside the waistband of your slacks, and "it disappears". I find it very convenient and effective for my cash, credit cards, and even my passport after I've cleared customs.

    For carrying money in town, I use one of those little money-clip billfolds, with a spring clip to hold the bills at its center and a couple of pockets for ID. It's the lightest, least-conspicuous thing I could find. I don't carry any actual, officially-produced ID in it - just a color print of the photo page of my passport, scanned and sized to be printed credit-card size in those "photo stations" they have in so many pharmacies and other such stores these days. (This actually looks "pretty official," and it won't get rumpled and torn the way a photocopy might. You can even laminate it to be sure it will hold up.)

    But yeah - passports and any money save what you're going to use tonight NEEDS to be locked up in your hotel room's strongbox. Incidentally, gentlemen, the New Garden strongboxes have electronic locks so you can punch in your own personal code - and they're big enough to hold a good-sized laptop.
    Thanks Westy. Good to hear NG has fairly large laptops. Haven't stayed there yet, but will later this month.

    I often read in the TR's about "chica-proofing" the room upon arrival. Anyone have any other advice on this outside of the obvious money, id, small valuables, etc. in the lock box? or point me in the right direction to a thread.

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  7. #44
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    Getting started as a monger, the new section

    I see we are getting lots of "Newbi" guys so here is what you should do.

    1 - Join the trip reports section
    2 - Start reading the new reports in progress
    3 - Use the thank you button often
    4 - Get involved, if you think a chica is hot, say so
    5 - Get involved in all the other discussions, such as movies, sports, and other non mongering things

    Any questions so far?

    You want access to trip reports?

    Google Wallet

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  9. #45
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    I see we are getting lots of "Newbi" guys so here is what you should do.

    1 - Join the trip reports section
    2 - Start reading the new reports in progress
    3 - Use the thank you button often
    4 - Get involved, if you think a chica is hot, say so
    5 - Get involved in all the other discussions, such as movies, sports, and other non mongering things

    Any questions so far?
    Jimmy,, I would add # 6. Viewing That thread you had up of the Most Viewed Reports,,,,, That helped me alot !!!
    " Expect The Best, Be Prepared For The Worst, Fuck What Others Think, And Do Your Own Thing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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  11. #46
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by xmendave View Post
    Jimmy,, I would add # 6. Viewing That thread you had up of the Most Viewed Reports,,,,, That helped me alot !!!

    You mean this?!%29

    You will see many of the same great names and they in turn have their own sub sections.

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  13. #47
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    You mean this?!%29

    You will see many of the same great names and they in turn have their own sub sections.

    Yep,,, that is a great thread !!! with some serious reports !!

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  15. #48
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by xmendave View Post
    Yep,,, that is a great thread !!! with some serious reports !!

    There are many dozens others, not on there. Hence, the subsections.

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  17. #49
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    I see we are getting lots of "Newbi" guys so here is what you should do.

    1 - Join the trip reports section
    2 - Start reading the new reports in progress
    3 - Use the thank you button often
    4 - Get involved, if you think a chica is hot, say so
    5 - Get involved in all the other discussions, such as movies, sports, and other non mongering things

    Any questions so far?
    I would like to add - please don't include the whole quote in your reply if it is as big of a post as Ralphie1's first post (I know Weyland will agree with me on this).

    You can edit most of the post out or even better just click the 'reply to thread' button. The guys here will get the gist of it.

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  19. #50
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by DASBOOTY View Post
    I would like to add - please don't include the whole quote in your reply
    i agree this is a great section for newbies and is also a good refresher section for everyone

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  21. #51
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    Clap Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    I see we are getting lots of "Newbi" guys so here is what you should do.

    1 - Join the trip reports section
    2 - Start reading the new reports in progress
    3 - Use the thank you button often
    4 - Get involved, if you think a chica is hot, say so
    5 - Get involved in all the other discussions, such as movies, sports, and other non mongering things

    Any questions so far?

    This site is awesome. I have learned a tremendous amount and will keep reading every section until I land on 8-26!!!!

    Thx for spending time educating me on the finer points of mongering. Gonna buy beers for any isoc guy I meet on the first day. Looking forward to the trip.

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  23. #52
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    I see we are getting lots of "Newbi" guys so here is what you should do.

    1 - Join the trip reports section
    seeing and reading the trip reports opens a whole different world on here....
    and something every new guy on here should subscribe to.....
    it really makes a huge difference when you are traveling to a destination you've never been before......

    wish we had this ISOC back in the 80's and 90's as it would have saved this guy a ton of money and heartache.......

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  25. #53
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by SeaWeed View Post
    seeing and reading the trip reports opens a whole different world on here....
    and something every new guy on here should subscribe to.....
    it really makes a huge difference when you are traveling to a destination you've never been before......

    wish we had this ISOC back in the 80's and 90's as it would have saved this guy a ton of money and heartache.......

    These days you can actually meet up at a dinner, chat with the Vets, before you set foot on a plane

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  27. #54
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Hello, guys!

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  29. #55
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmydr View Post
    Well you guys asked for it, so the section has been created.
    thank you very much

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  31. #56
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Thank you this was very informative

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  33. #57
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    You can learn so much here and all it takes is joining and reading. It might save you $1,000 over a few trips alone.

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  35. #58
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    hi i am new here and i don't know how to see the private section?

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  37. #59
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    Quote Originally Posted by beachboy8007 View Post
    hi i am new here and i don't know how to see the private section?
    I can now take credit cards (visa, Mastercard and Discover)

    3 days is $8.00

    1 Month is $12.00

    3 Months is $25.00

    6 Months is $40

    1 yr is $60

    2 yr is $90

    3 yr is $115

    5 yr is $250

    the 1 year and more include admission into Jimmy's stash area

    E mail me at

    I will need

    Address including Zip
    Credit Card Number
    Expiration Date
    Card Security Code

    Website Handle

    and which subscription you are interested in

    Processing takes place after 6PM M-F and all day Sat & Sun(Once processed, status will change)

  38. #60
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    Re: Getting started as a monger, the new section

    More great information...this is a gold mine...

    Thanks Guys!

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