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Thread: Short July 4 weekend

  1. #1
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    Short July 4 weekend

    For the first time I took a night flight on Jet Blue. Ran into a few board members (givengo, BlackArcher, Bsomething or other [damned shame I don't remember his board name as I spoke more with him than any of the others] and a couple of others). We were supposed to have left at 11pm, but didn't depart until 12:30am. So, instead of arriving at 2:30am, we arrived at 4am instead.
    Not a big deal as I went to the apartment and just crashed. Woke up about 11am and, after setting my camera on the charger and getting myself cleaned up, I ran to La Sirena for some supplies. Put everything away and then called up a Dominican buddy cause I was ready to run.
    I know a chica who has a small hole-in-the-wall bar up in one of the barrios I like to hang out at occasionally, so we ran up there.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    The last time I was in town (over the Memorial Day weekend) I had stopped by and there was a chica who I had seen on a few occasions before. She didn't seem very friendly, in fact she always seemed straight out snooty, so I never approached her, but her mother was always nice so I always bought her a beer or two when I hung out there. Anyhow, her mother kept nodding at her daughter as if she wanted me to get with her, so I had a buddy call her over.

    As we began to talk I was shocked to find that the chica spoke a fair amount of English. In spite of that, she continued to come off as snooty and stuck up. Normally, I won't waste my time with a chica like this but, for some reason, I saw this more as a challenge that I was up for. Every time I tried to get at her she'd reply with short, to the point responses, and I'd just laugh. I realized that she was no different from most women who feel they have to put up a wall when they first meet you. The drinks continued to flow and, at some point, I asked her how come she spoke English so well and she mentioned that she had a gringo boyfriend who was from a particular region. I won't mention where from as I wouldn't want to make the mistake of exposing her hand, just in case.

    Anyhow, at this point I figured I'd throw some bullshit out there since I really had nothing to lose. I said "my love, why would you want a boyfriend in ****, when you could have love right here in Puerto Plata?" At that very moment I looked at her face and had to jump back as I could, figuratively speaking, see that wall come crashing down, bricks, mortar, and all. Yep, a woman after all. It wasn't long before we were holding hands while her mother sat there with a big old shit eating grin on her face, probably counting up the pesos all the while. No, not me mama, you gotta save that shit for the boyfriend.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    We hooked up and, in the words of Tony the Tiger, the pussy was GREEAAATTTT!!!!! lol No money exchanged, just time and some beers.

    So, I figured I'd stop back through on this trip for a possible repeat. I'm hanging out at my little watering hole when I look up and the chica comes strolling across the street. A totally different attitude as she walks up and gives me a kiss and says "hola, mi amor." I have this little thing I do occasionally with the chicas where I'll touch their hand or arm and then stick my fingers in my mouth as if I'm tasting and savoring their flavor. For some reason they always seem to get a laugh out of it. She cozied up and I spent another hour before telling her I was going home and that I'd stop by later. I went home at this point to sleep off the little buzz I had caught.

    I woke up later and after getting cleaned up, caught up with DB again. It was about 9pm and we stopped in a few of these little dives located by the main road and Av. Penetracion Portuana. I don't get to them often and have never made an effort to remember the names, but I'm sure some of the local expats would know what I'm referring to. We didn't stay long but had a couple of beers in each.

    After I headed over to the barrio and caught up with chica. She didn't even want to hang there, but wanted to go to the apartment. So I dropped DB off and headed home. It was another great session. As a side note, I have to admit that, during my initial trips to Puerto Plata, I was one of those guys who thought that all DR women were ho's who are constantly fucking. Although I'll always believe that any woman who fucks for money is a ho, what I came to realize is that, minus the hardcore putas, many of the local chicas are not fucking as frequently as you might think. I have had some outstanding pussy during my time there.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    During my previous 4-5 trips this year I had badly wanted to get over to Sosua beach, mostly for the sun and some relaxation, but it had rained almost all of the times I was there. I was hopeful this trip that I could at least catch a day that would allow it. Sunday was to be the day.

    Although I was feeling a little rough due to the drinking and lack of sleep, I was determined to get there this day. I called another DB and pulled my camera from its docking station and turned it on. SOB, it didn't charge. The camera is an HP Photosmart R927 that someone had given me about 5 years ago which I kept down there for whenever I needed it. I knew that sometimes the AC cable didn't seem to plug in correctly, so i plugged it back in and figured I'd just not get any pic's until after I returned from the beach. (I needed some pic's badly as I had lost ALL of my previous pictures; long and stupid story) DB2 showed up and we made it to Sosua beach by noon.

    I had decided to stop by the Black Box to see what it was all about and in hopes of possibly running into some board members. As we approached, I saw that the tables seemed to seat 6-8 people so I asked DB2 to ask the chica who was working if they had smaller tables. She told him that the place was not for Dominicans, but for foreigners. WTF!!! There have been times when it seemed beneficial that I passed for Dominican, this was not one of them. Typically, I would have just sat down and spoke English and been served, but I could see the surprised and hurt look on my buddies face, so we just headed on down to Big D's for some BBq and an easy afternoon. It turned out to be a 4200 peso loss for the Black Box.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    I had the full rack of ribs and, although they didn't seem to be as tasteful as I remember in the past, they were still good. We ordered up some Presidentes and a Blanco rum with Sprite. My buddy was talking back and forth with the woman who works there and, before we knew it she had called her sister and brother and we all just hung out and it turned out to be one of the more memorable times I've had there; just sitting and eating, drinking, and laughing.

    At some point, DB2 got a call and afte hanging up he told me that it was a chica back in Puerto Plata he knew who was really hurting for money. He said she wasn't your typical street puta, but that she really needed some money and was willing to go for 1000 pesos. Normally, I don't care for the blind hook up because I feel bad for the chica if I have to send her on her way, but I told DB2 to have her come over from PP and, if nothing else, I'd hit her off with 500 peso and she'd just owe me.

    She showed up about a half hour later and turned out to not be too bad looking. Definitely worth the 1000 pesos. We called it a day at the beach and headed on back to PP where went over to DB2's barrio (don't know the name, other than that the La Sonrisa restaurant is located there) and hung for a couple of more hours. Me and chica left at this point and headed on over to the apartment.

    I hit the shower and she came in and washed me down while standing outside the shower. I love when they do that, particularly when they're in the shower. After I got out she got in and, while she was busy, I went out to grab the camera. SOB!!! The damned thing still hadn't charged. It was then that I realized that, after 5 years, I guess the battery had simply shit the bed. Gonna have to order a new one.

    She came out of the shower and was just like I like 'em, nice and thick. Not fat, but thick and solid. Although she seemed a bit tense at the beach she had settled down and became alot more comfortable in the previous 2 hours. We got busy and I have to say, it was another for the record books. THIS is why I keep my ass in Puerto Plata, cause I can find all of the good, hardly fucked, tender, delicious pussy I could want, and at a sensible price. I took her home later and went back to the apt. and crashed.

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  11. #6
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Awsome Bro, Sounds like you had a blast. Making me itch for my flight out in 23 days !!!! Man I wish it would come on.

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  13. #7
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    ... we stopped in a few of these little dives located by the main road and Av. Penetracion Portuana.
    That street must have a thousand names. I have heard three or four others or seen them on maps, but never that one before. For anyone looking for it, the current street sign at the highroad end says "Penetración al Muelle".

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I don't get to them often and have never made an effort to remember the names, but I'm sure some of the local expats would know what I'm referring to.
    In order, from the highroad end, Placer, La Fragrancía, and El Consulado. The latter is danytravel's favorite club in the whole world. He told Robert666 that "he would lose the will to live if he thought he might never return there".
    Seriously, these bars are an acquired taste. If you do ever visit them, make sure you have a piss somewhere else first because you do not want to visit the toilets in them!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I had decided to stop by the Black Box ... she told him that the place was not for Dominicans, but for foreigners.
    That is outrageous. I am no great fan of Dominicans but this is their own country, after all. That is the second incidence of racism reported for this bar. I am sorry it is such a popular place for ISOC guys to meet. I shall no longer suggest that newbies go there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    DB2's barrio (don't know the name, other than that the La Sonrisa restaurant is located there).
    Los Cocos. Do you eat at La Sonrisa too, Rubicon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    This is why I keep my ass in Puerto Plata, cause I can find all of the good, hardly fucked, tender, delicious pussy I could want, and at a sensible price.
    I thought that was our little secret?

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  15. #8
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonew1 View Post
    Awsome Bro, Sounds like you had a blast. Making me itch for my flight out in 23 days !!!! Man I wish it would come on.
    That's what makes it necessary to enjoy each and every moment you are there. I was out of work for 2 1/2 years (by choice) and I spent 3-4 weeks at a time in Puerto Plata. It got a bit old after a while, but I'm trying to work my way back to being a tourist and get around a little more when I'm there. Enjoy it.

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  17. #9
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    That street must have a thousand names. I have heard three or four others or seen them on maps, but never that one before. For anyone looking for it, the current street sign at the highroad end says "Penetración al Muelle".
    You could very well be right, weyland. I'm going off of what I recall being told some time ago. Like I said previously, I don't get over in that area much.

    In order, from the highroad end, Placer, La Fragrancía, and El Consulado.
    LaFragancia rings a bell. I remember looking up at the sign when I was there.

    That is outrageous. I am no great fan of Dominicans but this is their own country, after all.
    Like I said, it was their loss, not that they knew, or would care.

    Los Cocos. Do you eat at La Sonrisa too, Rubicon?
    Yeah, I try and get over there at least once or twice a trip, depending on how long I'm in town. I was going there back when Joaquin was alive, and Daisy is a really sweet woman. She told me things have been difficult recently, as they have been everywhere, so I try and spend a bit there when I'm in town.

    I thought that was our little secret?
    It's funny you mention that. I wonder sometimes if I'm screwing up a good thing by sharing details. But, hey, it's only fair. I got alot of valuable information from this board when I first started traveling to the DR.

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  19. #10
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    I woke up Monday morning, expecting to go pay the taxes on my house at the Interna Rentas. However, the day before when me and DB2 were hanging at the beach he told me that he used to work for a guy who is married to a woman who works in an upper management level at the Interna Rentas, and he said he would go speak with his former boss. We stopped in to see him that afternoon and he sent us across the street to talk with his wife. She called the office and they gave her the amount I owed, so I at least knew she actually worked there. She had been out sick and said she was returning to work on Wednesday and she would see what she could do. I told her I had to leave the following day, but she said not to worry and she would see what she could do about adjusting the amount. Curious to see what happens when I return.

    I have tried to make it a habit not to go out partying the night before I have to travel, especially if I have to get up early, because I hate feeling like shit when I'm in transit, especially if I have to drive upon my return to the states. But, I did go have a few beers and something to eat at La Sonrisa. Afterwards I called it an early night and headed back to the apartment to pack some things, get my clothes ironed for the next day, and watched a video until I drifted off to sleep.

    I posted earlier that I had been out of work for 2 1/2 years. During that time I did a RIO trip, 5 trips to Pattaya, and more trips to PP than I can remember. But last fall I returned to work, for which I am beginning to question whether or not it was a mistake. I have what is considered "essential status", and my travel has since been severely limited. For the past ten years I've traveled at will, for however long I wanted. Now I'm lucky to get 2 days off in a row, and I usually try and tie that to a holiday weekend to maximize my time away. The thought has crossed my mind to just quit and retire early, but that would mean having to stick to some type of a budget for the remainder of my years, which I'm just not capable of. So for the next couple of years, it's going to be rough. However, the past 15 years have produced more experiences than I'll ever remember.

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  21. #11
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Relaxing times and good chicas! It sounds like comfortable living.

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  23. #12
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    I don't quite undertand that whole "this isn't for Dominicans" line?

    If the people are gonna spend money, what difference does it make?

    And let's say you're a gringo but are rolling with a Dom friend, do you get to stay but he's gotta go?

    Very odd.

    Weyland referred to it as "racism" but i don't know if that's the best term, but it's tricky. I doubt they have issues with black Americans whom they don't mistake for Doms, and i wonder if very-light skinned Doms who attempt to sit there get the same treatment.

    Retarded no matter which way you look at it.
    Bitch you wasn't with me shootin' in the gym ...

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post
    I don't quite undertand that whole "this isn't for Dominicans" line?

    If the people are gonna spend money, what difference does it make?

    And let's say you're a gringo but are rolling with a Dom friend, do you get to stay but he's gotta go?

    Very odd.

    Weyland referred to it as "racism" but i don't know if that's the best term, but it's tricky. I doubt they have issues with black Americans whom they don't mistake for Doms, and i wonder if very-light skinned Doms who attempt to sit there get the same treatment.

    Retarded no matter which way you look at it.
    If Rubicon and his friend had the same color skin as me no-one would have stopped them sitting down, regardless of their nationality or the language they spoke. To me, that's "racism".

    Also Dominicans are fond of talking about the Dominican "race". They even have (or had?) a "Day of the Race". So from their point of view it would be racism too (not that I share that argument).

    Anyone who has spent any time here will know that it is not a bright idea to humiliate Dominicans in public. One day that asshole will try it on with the wrong Dominicans. Then when the next casita burns down we won't have to wonder why.

    Someone on another thread tried to defend this racism by saying that had the right to exclude Dominicans because they were rowdy. Anyone who knows Rubicon knows that is absurd. He is a very quiet, intelligent and discreet person and I would be very surprised if his Dominican friend was much different. If someone is rowdy, you ask them to leave. You don't prejudge them on their color of skin.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by weyland View Post
    If someone is rowdy, you ask them to leave. You don't prejudge them on their color of skin.
    But like i said in the post you quoted, if Rubicon was believed to be a black American, he never would have had the "confrontation". It was being assumed Dominican that was the problem.

    If a lighter-skinned known Dominican had went, he would have had the same issue Rubicon did.

    Therefore, at least concerning this place, it's not so much about how dark you skin color is as it is being DOMINICAN .... and i don't think it has anything to do with being "rowdy" as was mentioned in another thread. IMO, they obviously assume Dominicans are gonna take up seats/tables and spend hardly any money there so it's a financial issue for them.

    It's clear discrimination either way you look at it so we're basically splitting hairs.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    If the people are gonna spend money, what difference does it make?
    You'd have to ask the chica who was working there.

    And let's say you're a gringo but are rolling with a Dom friend, do you get to stay but he's gotta go?

    Very odd.
    I am a mix of races. (We didn't discriminate against anybody. We fucked everybody. lol) However, I have always been assumed to be Dominican when in the country, and even the Dominicans don't believe me when I tell them I'm not Dominican. So, the chica assumed me and my buddy were both Dominicans.

    As I inferred in my post, no big deal. I took my pesos elsewhere.

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    THanks for the post and intel. I have a few DR friends and haven't had the misfortune of dealing with that situation. We tend to go off the tourist grid when I am with them so I guess that has something to do with it.

    Its food for thought as I am sure I would flip if it happened but not sure how I would deal with it.
    It aint over till I am done!!!

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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    However, I have always been assumed to be Dominican when in the country.
    Now what sort of idiot would ever assume that? LOL.

  34. #18
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by JuanElGriego View Post
    IMO, they obviously assume Dominicans are gonna take up seats/tables and spend hardly any money there so it's a financial issue for them.
    If that is the reason they would never let Robert sit there. And definitely no Brits!

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  36. #19
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by weyland View Post
    Now what sort of idiot would ever assume that? LOL.
    Hahaha, good one.

  37. #20
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    Re: Short July 4 weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Trib View Post
    THanks for the post and intel. I have a few DR friends and haven't had the misfortune of dealing with that situation. We tend to go off the tourist grid when I am with them so I guess that has something to do with it.

    Its food for thought as I am sure I would flip if it happened but not sure how I would deal with it.
    No problem on the info. It was just a part of the larger story. And, believe me, it's not the first time I've experienced that kind of thing.
    I, too, tend to go off the grid as much as possible. That's when and where I find I enjoy myself the most.

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