View Full Version : UASD runs on deficit

04-03-2008, 05:40 PM
According to UASD University dean Franklin Garcia Fermin, the state university runs on an average deficit of RD$30 million per month. According to vice dean Maritza Camacho, the UASD has monthly revenues of RD$14 million. Camacho says that no government has ever fulfilled the law that designates 5% of the national budget to the UASD. Garcia says that the deficit is due to the fact that the government has not paid for the 20% wage increase awarded to teachers following the last teacher's strike at the university, in 2006. Garcia says that the University has paid for the wage increase through loans from the Teachers and Employees Cooperative. Garcia also explained that the government has made some payments towards the loan and that although the UASD has paid about RD$10 million of the loan, they are still RD$68 million in debt to the Cooperative. According to the dean, the UASD is waiting for RD$195 million to pay off its debt. A UASD technical advisor says that in order for the UASD to continue development, the university needs to make connections with the private sector so that students can make the most of internships and get real work experience. UASD employees and professors have the best wages and benefits package in the country.

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