View Full Version : [DR1] Wrong interpretation of polls

04-25-2006, 03:10 PM
Sociologist Ramon Tejada Holguin, interviewed on the TV program Despierta con CDN, has warned that it is a mistake to try to extend findings of nationwide polls to regional candidacies. He said that only provincial polls could give an adequate idea of the results of the upcoming elections. He said that this was proven in the 2002 election. In the nationwide poll, the PRD was showing 45% of the votes at Senatorial level, but instead it won 95% of the Senate seats, while the PLD with about 35% of the national level vote in the polls, barely obtained one seat.

Tejada commented that the PRSC has lost its political identity. The PRSC board supported a merger with the PRD for the Pink Alliance this year. In 1996, the party had allied itself with the PLD, which led President Fernandez to a victory.

Tejada said that the expected high rate of abstention can be attributed to the fact that this is a "presidentialist" country, where people expect the President to solve everything, and that the people understand that the Congress does not solve much. As reported in El Caribe, Tejada said that traditionally abstention is higher in the provinces with the higher average educational and socio-economic levels, which means that the party that would be worst affected by high abstention rates is the PLD.

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