View Full Version : Fernandez on "crisis of thought"

04-10-2008, 06:10 PM
The concept of political debating is a non-existent concept in the Dominican political spectrum and President Leonel Fernandez plans to keep it that way. He argues that there is a crisis of thought in the DR. During his address to ANJE members, Fernandez said that for a debate to take place, his challengers would have to know how to conceptualize. "If you notice, there is a deficit of conceptualization and this is why a debate would be meaningless - it's ridiculous," he said. "There is a crisis of thought." Fernandez, quoted in Listin Diario, said that the point is to maintain a constructive dialogue to instruct the public, with a vision of the future. Fernandez added that he is trained as a criminal lawyer and is skilled at debating, but he insisted there is no point in debating when the opposition can only offer attacks and insults.

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