View Full Version : Moreno proposals at ANJE

04-11-2008, 02:40 PM
During his speech at the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) meeting with 2008 presidential candidates, former Attorney General Guillermo Moreno, a newcomer to politics, spoke out in favor of a government that makes production a priority, reducing taxes on production, and increasing taxes on the highest earners, as reported in Hoy. He favored a reduction in the 16% ITBIS tax and in the tax on fuels. He said that the present economic model is sustained by the consumption of imported goods. For instance, he said that commercial banks have allotted only 6% of their loan portfolio for local manufacturing, while endless loans are available for purchasing vehicles. He supported changing the composition of the Monetary Board, which oversees monetary and economic policies in the country, to incorporate more members from the productive sector. He said it is currently dominated by the financial sector.
He also favored banning presidential re-election and said he would change the system for selecting judges, as reported in Hoy. He said that the Judicial Branch is highly politicized, and thus is not independent from the Executive Branch. He explained that the country is not prepared for re-election because it lacks solid institutions that can prevent Presidents from using state resources for their campaign, and limits the potential to fight corruption.
He would also demand transparency from politicians, especially those in public office, and said he would review the energy contracts.
In his opinion, the DR has become a paradise for impunity. He proposed the creation of a civic power that can impeach a President if he violates the Constitution.
Moreno advocated allocating 4% of the National Budget to education as established by law. He said he would extend the school day until 4pm, and would include lunch. He also would allocate more funding to early education.
Moreno is running for the MIUCA, and is probably the least known of the candidates.

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