View Full Version : Remittances are convenient

04-11-2008, 02:40 PM
70% of remittances to Dominicans are home delivered, while 25% are delivered through national banks. Dominicans have one of the highest remittances rates in Latin America, sending close to US$1,250,000 per month, as reported in Diario Libre. In 2007 Dominicans sent over US$3 billion back home. Estimates predict that this amount could increase by 5% in 2008. According to statistics, about 30% of remittances go to families in rural areas. Seventy five percent of all remittances entering the DR originate in the US. Since 1997 remittances to the DR have grown sharply with US$1 billion being sent during that year. In 1998 US$1.3 billion were sent and in 1999 US$1.5 billion were sent to families in the DR. In 2000 Dominicans in the US sent back US$1.7 billion and in 2001 sent back US$1.8 billion. By 2002 Dominicans were sending back US$1.9 and in 2003 remittances hit the US$2 billion mark for the first time. In 2004 figures kept rising as Dominicans sent back US$2.23 billion, in 2005 Dominicans sent back US$2.4 billion, in 2006 they sent back US$2.7 billion and by 2007 Dominicans reached the US$3 billion mark. The figures indicate that there has been a proportionate increase in the number of Dominican immigrants to the United States and also show that the average wage of Dominican workers has increased over the 10-year period. These figures don't include non-monetary remittances like clothing or supplies, or informal remittances like money given directly to family members when visiting the DR.

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