View Full Version : DR urges Haitian stability

04-15-2008, 06:20 PM
The Dominican government urges actions be taken to quickly reassemble the government in Haiti. Foreign Relations Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso said that in recent years the DR has become Haiti's main defender in international forums. He added that there is no other country in the world more interested in Haiti's social, democratic and cultural stability.
Morales Troncoso told the Listin Diario that the political instability situation in Haiti affects the DR.
Morales added that in the next four years there needs to be a more defined migratory policy between both nations.
Drug Czar Marino "Vincho" Castillo chimed in saying that if the international community doesn't pay attention to the problems in Haiti that nation will always be in a state of despair. He said that the situation doesn't scare Dominicans because during all of its history the DR has had to deal with border issues.
Diario Libre reports that commerce at the bi-national market at Dajabon, on the border with Haiti, is getting back to normal after days of unrest in Haiti. Shoppers were back seeking to compensate for the major increases in food products on Haiti-based markets. Those increases lead to rioting in Haiti and the resignation of Haitian Prime Minister Smarck Michel. Diario Libre says that beginning in the early hours of the morning, Haitians could be seen crossing the border to the DR and returning in the late hours carrying the goods.

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