View Full Version : Miguel Vargas' anti-corruption plan

04-17-2008, 03:20 PM
PRD presidential candidate, Miguel Vargas had several suggestions to fight corruption in government during his participation in the series of talks by presidential candidates at the UNPHU university hall sponsored by the Foundation for Institutionalism and Justice (FINJUS). Vargas suggested that the personal finances statement presented by government officers upon taking office be tied in to what they present to the Department of Taxes. He favored increasing penalties to government officers for acquiring of illicit wealth at the expense of taxpayers, mentioning that today the only penalty is the cancellation of the officer. He proposed that the government make public online information on who is working in government and procurement information, plus budget execution.
During the presentation, Rafael del Toro, vice president of Finjus, spoke about how political patronage is the most damaging of all corruption, as reported in Hoy. He called for new options to stimulate transparency and accountability, and responsible government.

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