View Full Version : Elections are a big show

04-17-2008, 03:20 PM
For political analysts Pedro Catrain, Jose Antinoe Fiallo, Ramon Tejada Holguin and Francisco Cueto, the Dominican electoral process will not bring change, no matter who wins on 16 May, as reported in Hoy. They say that the candidates are not in tune with the needs of the people and have based their campaigns instead on clientilistic practices. According to Catrain, the public is disengaged and skeptical when it comes to these elections. Catrain says that the electoral process is discouraging because the candidates have not presented plausible solutions to the national problems.
Catrain says that the PLD offers much of the same and that its candidate, President Leonel Fernandez, is seeking his third term in office but hasn't fulfilled previous promises to modernize the country, improve institutionalism, and combat poverty and corruption.
The analyst said that the PRD candidate, Miguel Vargas Maldonado, has to deal with rumors of corruption during the last PRD administration (00-04) and commented that the PRSC is in a state of self-destruction as a result of political patronage.
Tejada, quoted in Hoy, says that, "the elections are presented as a big show, the one who is most likeable and seems least evil and manages to best connect with the population will win, not the one who establishes a commitment in his style of government". Tejada says that now that the campaign is coming to an end, finally there is a debate of proposals, but there is still a lack of substance and credibility.
Tejada and Cueto both criticized the government's assistance programs as well as the "incoherence" of the opposition who at the moment are criticizing those programs but would implement them just the same if they were in office.

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