View Full Version : Metro: major attraction at Book Fair

04-23-2008, 02:50 PM
The free rides on the new Metro system are, apparently, one of the principal attractions drawing visitors to the Book Fair. According to Diario Libre, neither bargains for books or the cultural attractions on offer can rival the Metro rides. Long lines of people have waited to get on the train at all the stations, which are named after important historical persons or events (Hermanas Mirabal, Caonabo, Casandra Damiron and Feria). Most groups were composed of entire families waiting to enjoy the experience together. Security and information were two important facets of the new experience, with tickets and a brochure distributed at several tents set up for this purpose, and Metro Police officers offering good advice: "Hold onto the handrails as you use the escalators." "Please hold on to your children", "Do not run" and "Please stand behind the yellow line."

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)