View Full Version : JCE says prove it

04-24-2008, 03:30 PM
Many claims are made during election times, but rarely is proof asked for, except for this time. The Central Electoral Board (JCE) is asking PRI presidential candidate Trajano Santana to back up his claim that the major political parties in the DR are funded by drug money. Santana made this statement during a special breakfast meeting with journalists at Listin Diario. JCE president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman said that the claim is alarming in itself, and added that it would then require a set of rules on campaign financing and controls on financing the parties. The JCE president said that he has no proof of this happening in the DR, and that this type of accusation must be accompanied by proof. Administrative Chamber president Roberto Rosario said that if there is proof Santana would be serving his country by providing details. Rumors of ties between politics and drug rings are common in the DR with the late former PRD leader Jose Francisco Pena Gomez being the target of such allegations. In more recent times all three major political parties and their members have been subject to allegations, including presidential candidates. Quirino Paulino, the ex-military captain caught with over 2,000 kilos of cocaine was alleged to have political ties, but these allegations have remained just that as no proof has ever surfaced.

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