View Full Version : A.M. A time of lean cows

04-28-2008, 05:30 PM
Today's page two editorial in Diario Libre looks at post-election government policy. In the eyes and pen of Diario Libre editor Adrian Miguel Tejada, no matter who wins the May elections there are some painful decisions ahead that will affect our way of life. Mr. Tejada says that everyone knows that too many people are living without paying anything. These people, who receive money from the state with no merit to deserve it, pay no taxes, no electricity or other services. Tejada says that this will have to change. The drive to build public works, often without proper planning, will have to be put aside for truly essential projects that will be well supervised and properly built in order to last longer. And since everything will be more expensive, we will have to plan our spending better.
All this is well and good, according to the editor, but in order for this to work, the first thing that has to be done is for the government to apply the new planning to itself, since it is the gold medal winner when it comes to wasteful spending. Everyone who switched parties hoping to get some special treats will be very unhappy, because if "we really want to survive the crisis, these cushy jobs will have to be curtailed a lot in the years to come". The editor goes on to say that the government will have to apply a sort of "wartime economy", the time of the lean cows, because we cannot continue to accumulate debt in exchange for smoke and mirrors, nor continue living in this vortex of large, gas-guzzling, vehicles. The Europeans live very well with their small cars. Could it be that the large car is not synonymous with civilization, but, rather, the reverse? No matter who wins, the time of the lean cows is approaching.

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