View Full Version : Aventura Concert Newspaper Report - Santo Domingo 4/26/2008

04-28-2008, 06:16 PM
I was not able to get down to SD personally - but a few friends attended the 4/26 show.

Spanglish first - Spanish follows ......

Rain not for the festival of Adventure in the Quisqueya

SANTO DOMINGO.- The 'obsession' of the public by seeing the group Adventure was able more than the torrential rainstorm that whipped without piety to the assistants to the Reventón Bohemia. More than 20 thousand youths packed the stadium Quisqueya the night on Saturday with the firm decision to enjoy the "Kings of the spree".

The rain, that was initiated approximately to the 8:40 at night, almost at the same time in which they rose to scene the presenters, Anabell Alberto, Irving Alberti and Luis José Germán, the ones that received of the public the first ovations.

But opponent to see the inclemency of the climate as a problem, the youths were dedicated to enjoy the variety to be wet in a concert, dancing and enjoying the recital to the maximum. This devotion by a group of local artists shows that already not one must be Juan Luis War to fill a capacity as extensive as the Quisqueya.

And that devotion shown, given the environmental conditions, test that the young public from here is avid of this type of concerts, where enjoys themselves healthily and the artists from here receive a support in their house. "This it is the best public of the world", declared touched Romeo, upon listening to sing to the thousands of people that, completely wet, they saw them to give the best of their art. Some they came from other countries, like Canada, Venezuela and Europe, as reports Ticket Express.

It ventures, that managed to change the spree carrying it to a young public upon exhibiting a visual esthetics in harmony with this sector of the audience, showed here its power of assembly and causes understands the because of the worry before its possible disintegration.

The concert

To the 10:15 at night the lights of the setting were lit and they began to occupy their positions the musicians. This caused the hysteria of the audience and a part of them pushed the iron gate that divided the areas and they passed the VIP, without the members of the security they could do nothing. This did not it have greater consequences because the attitude was to be enjoyed the concert that offered Adventure.

Romeo, who spoke a lot to the public during their action, in which did not only they interpret their songs. In a moment of the recital, they carried out a contest in which gave 2.450 dollars to which could sing the theme "She and the", that recorded with the reguetonero boricua Mr. Omar. After various that tried and they did not be able, a youth rose and he sang it, without failing, being won the dollars.

In another part of the show, it benefited was a girl. "We want a pudgy one", he said Romeo, but he notified that the one that to rise was of legal age. A girl with the excess rose then indicated and they initiated the notes of the theme "A kiss". Seated in a sofa, Romeo kissed the girl and the audience saw bias of the gigantic screen that was behind the setting, the face of happiness that put this.

All the large successes of the group were interpreted in the middle of a platform of the one that sprouted abundant smoke or fireworks. After "When you will return", they said good-bye. They had passed two hours and a half... the public asked more. This space was taken advantage of by Max, who brought at the front the youth rapper, The Soprano, to whom in brief they will launch with the seal Max Musick. Without fear to the general public to which was faced, the boy of 16 years improvised a rap.

After this, the musicians occupied its place to interpret "Corazoncito", in which a great heart descended from above of the setting, full of fireworks. Thus they closed an unforgettable night, for the public and for them.

Lluvia no para la fiesta de Aventura en el Quisqueya

SANTO DOMINGO.- La ‘obsesión’ del público por ver al grupo Aventura pudo más que el torrencial aguacero que azotó sin piedad a los asistentes al Reventón Bohemia. Más de 20 mil jóvenes abarrotaron el estadio Quisqueya la noche del sábado con la firme determinación de disfrutar de los “Reyes de la bachata”.

La lluvia, que se inició aproximadamente a las 8:40 de la noche, casi al mismo tiempo en que subieron a escena los presentadores, Anabell Alberto, Irving Alberti y Luis José Germán, los que recibieron del público las primeras ovaciones.

Pero contrario a ver la inclemencia del clima como un problema, los jóvenes se dedicaron a disfrutar de la variedad de estar mojados en un concierto, bailando y gozando del recital al máximo. Esta devoción por un grupo de artistas locales demuestra que ya no hay que ser Juan Luis Guerra para llenar un aforo tan amplio como el Quisqueya.

Y esa devoción demostrada, dadas las condiciones ambientales, prueba que el público joven de aquí está ávido de este tipo de conciertos, donde se disfruta sanamente y los artistas de aquí reciben un apoyo en su casa. “Este es el mejor público del mundo”, manifestó emocionado Romeo, al escuchar cantar a los miles de personas que, totalmente mojados, les veían dar lo mejor de su arte. Algunos vinieron de otros países, como Canadá, Venezuela y Europa, según reporta Ticket Express.

Aventura, que logró cambiar la bachata llevándola a un público joven al exhibir una estética visual en consonancia con este sector de la audiencia, demostró aquí su poder de convocatoria y hace entender el porque de la preocupación ante su posible desintegración.

El concierto

A las 10:15 de la noche se encendieron las luces del escenario y empezaron a ocupar sus puestos los músicos. Esto provocó la histeria de la audiencia y una parte de ellos empujó la verja que dividía las áreas y pasaron al VIP, sin que los miembros de la seguridad pudieran hacer nada. Esto no tuvo mayores consecuencias porque la actitud era gozarse el concierto que ofrecía Aventura.

Romeo, quien habló mucho al público durante su actuación, en la que no sólo interpretaron sus canciones. En un momento del recital, realizaron un concurso en el que dieron 2,450 dólares al que pudiera cantar el tema “Ella y el”, que grabaron con el reguetonero boricua Don Omar. Luego de varios que intentaron y no pudieron, un joven subió y la cantó, sin fallar, ganándose los dólares.

En otra parte del show, la beneficiada fue una chica. “Queremos una gordita”, dijo Romeo, pero advirtió que la que subiera fuera mayor de edad. Subió entonces una chica con el sobrepeso indicado e iniciaron las notas del tema “Un beso”. Sentados en un sofá, Romeo besó a la chica y la audiencia vió a través de la pantalla gigante que estaba detrás del escenario, la cara de felicidad que puso esta.

Todos los grandes éxitos del grupo fueron interpretados en medio de una tarima de la que brotaba abundante humo o fuegos artificiales. Luego de “Cuando volverás”, se despidieron. Habían pasado dos horas y media... el público pedía más. Este espacio fue aprovechado por Max, quien trajo al frente al jovencito rapero, El Soprano, a quien en breve lanzarán con el sello Max Musick. Sin miedo al gran público al que se enfrentaba, el chico de 16 años improvisó un rap.

Luego de esto, los músicos ocuparon su sitio para interpretar “Corazoncito”, en el que un gran corazón bajó desde arriba del escenario, lleno de fuegos artificiales. Así cerraron una noche inolvidable, para el público y para ellos.

04-29-2008, 09:25 AM
I was in Santo Domingo Saturday night and this MILF wanted to do a threesome with me and my chica behind this show. She was very much turned on by Romeo. We had to pass but hopefully someone benefitted!

04-29-2008, 11:30 AM
I got back into town saturday and remembered about the concert. It was sold out so I was out of luck. I had a date lined up any way, but taking her to see aventura would have been cool.

It rained like a MOFO. We were in the HRC and it as raining so damn hard we headed back in and went to the upstairs bar to wait for the rain to stop.

04-30-2008, 09:34 AM
I got back into town saturday and remembered about the concert. It was sold out so I was out of luck. I had a date lined up any way, but taking her to see aventura would have been cool.

It rained like a MOFO. We were in the HRC and it as raining so damn hard we headed back in and went to the upstairs bar to wait for the rain to stop.I know, i remember that. I stayed at Discovery and the streets started flooding. And then it stopped just like that! The water drained and the chicas came back out!

04-30-2008, 06:46 PM
it did rain hard saturday night............i was at the jaragua