View Full Version : Fernandez makes promises

05-01-2008, 03:00 PM
Speaking during his turn at the 'meet the candidates' luncheon organized by the American Chamber of Commerce, President Leonel Fernandez said that upon his re-election on 16 May he would turn the current international crisis into opportunities for producers in the DR. He stressed that despite the adversities, the IMF is forecasting that the Dominican economy will grow by 5% in 2008. Fernandez said that he would promote a social contract and maintain the country's dynamism, economic growth and stability. Fernandez promised to continue working to reduce poverty and social inequalities as well as investing in improving the quality of health and education sectors.
Fernandez added that in the same way as he helped lead the DR out of the crisis created by the Hipolito Mejia administration, he can lead the DR out of the present international commodity crisis. Fernandez said that he would continue focusing on developing technology and innovation, while at the same time protecting the environment. The President defended the government's subsidy program and assured the audience that this would not result in a fiscal deficit. This year alone subsidies have reached RD$35 billion. Nevertheless, the President promised that there would be no new taxes, but that the system will just become more efficient at collecting those already on the books. He expressed optimism about foreign investment, saying that he was sure these would continue to flow in to offset the deficit in the trade balance.
During his speech, the President said that during his next administration he would reduce unemployment by an additional 4%. He said that 470,542 new jobs have been created during his government. "We are better off today than we were four years ago," said the President.
In his talk, President Fernandez advocated for less ambivalence in US policies towards Latin America. "I feel that with the world fuel and food crisis, perhaps the US could think of how to increase aid to Latin American countries", said the President. He also called on the US to release oil from its strategic petroleum reserves to curtail escalating oil prices.

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