View Full Version : Education Plan criticized

05-01-2008, 03:00 PM
Dominican Public School Teachers Association (ADP) president Maria Teresa Cabrera has criticized the 10-Year Education Plan (2008-2018) recently announced by the government for not increasing state funding to the sector. Cabrera, who is vice presidential candidate for the minority MIUCA party, alongside Guillermo Moreno, says it is difficult to understand how a plan could be launched that violates General Law of Education 66-97 and ignores the role that government funding plays in implementing public policies. The plan postpones the implementation of General Law of Education 66-97 until 2013. This is the law that establishes that the government must invest 4% of the Gross Domestic Product in the education sector. In the plan, the government proposes to increase this to 4.5% in 2018.
The plan proposes that by 2012, 50% of elementary school students will receive five hours of instruction, up from the present 2.5 hours per day. By 2018, 100% of all students would receive five hours of instruction in the public schools.

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