View Full Version : Young could decide elections

05-06-2008, 05:40 PM
Voters under the age of 35 make up 43% of all eligible voters in the DR (5,764,986 in total). A full 34% (1,948,016) of people registered to vote listed studying as their occupation or reflecting the fact they have not changed their occupation to reflect the fact that they have graduated.
Today's Listin Diario reports that this means that this age group could decide the election. Voters between the ages of 18-25 make up 18% of the universe, with 1,018,042 voters, and those aged 26-35 make up 25%, or 1,448406.
Voters aged 36-45 are 22% of the total (1,272,548) and those 56-65 are 10% or 561,110. Voters over the age of 66 make up a further 10%, or 570,617 voters.
The vote is divided between 5,609,590 in the DR and 154,797 Dominicans abroad who have registered to vote.
By gender, women are the majority. A total of 2,905,881 women are registered to vote, for 50.41% of the universe, or 47,375 more than men. This composition changes, though, when the expatriate voters are analyzed. A total of 78,921 men registered to vote abroad, compared to 75,876 women.

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