View Full Version : The Metro power controversy

05-06-2008, 05:40 PM
Diandino Pena, director of the Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET), also known as the Metro Office, says that the metro has been using power from one of its nine plants that generate 2.5 megawatts each and that are being alternated during the test phase. Pena was disputing claims by geologist Osiris de Leon who told Listin that the metro had been connected to the Palamara and Centro de los Heroes distribution lines, and this, he said, had caused the recent increase in blackouts.
Pena says that one of these plants is turned on per day and that they have a surplus of 18 megawatts from the power plant, to dispute speculation that running the metro had caused the recent spate of prolonged blackouts.
Pena said that once fully operational, the metro could be moved by power plants generating 40 megawatts. Pena, nevertheless, said that the metro will also be able to source power from the national grid because this will be cheaper than operating its own power plants. Their power plants require between 40,000 and 50,000 gallons of diesel per day.
De Leon had claimed that the blackouts are caused by the operation of the metro. He said that Pena has said in the past that the power plant would be used for emergencies and that the metro would operate interconnected to the national grid. The geologist, who has been critical of the government not carrying out the right geological studies for the metro project, also said that OPRET was taking advantage of the book fair to synch the power plant operation. The metro has been operating two test cars.

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