View Full Version : Image Hosting Part 2 (You will like this one)

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 06:04 AM
You probably noticed the new Link on the menu bar that says "VB Image Host".

So many people complained about the trouble required in the Gallery that I decided to implement an easier solution.

First you have three options under the menu:

(view) My Images
Upload Image(s)
View All User's ImagesView My Images is self explainatory (actually all of them are). You get to see your images laid out for you with a large thumbnail. What's the best part is that the IMG code is in a text box for you to copy & paste into a thread, too fucking easy! You also have two links to either Delete the image or Make public, IF you don't make it public people cannot browse it in the "View All User's Images" option, BUT you can still post it to a thread.

NOTE: I ask that members do NOT make nude pictures public to continue to comply with the rules of this web site of having nude pictures in open areas, Thank you!

Upload Image(s) is again too fucking easy! Simple click Upload, find image on hard drive, (repeat upto 5 times), click "Host It". The limits for images are very liberal!

View All User's Images again self explainatory! You see images that other users have made Public, if they haven't made them public, then you can't see them. Note: Moderators & Admins can still see them all.

This feature is available for everyone except basic normal users. If you are a Paid member of the Pictures group or have been voted into the BOD group or higher then you get to use this!

NOTE: You cannot host here and post it somewhere else, THAT IS BANDWIDTH THEFT!

04-29-2006, 06:39 AM

While I agree the new image hosting feature is great, does that mean you have wiped all the old galleries? I am listed as having nil images hosted.

My next step was to look at any thread to which I have added one of my pictures and see if the picture was still visible, but now the "members" link is missing off the menu bar.


04-29-2006, 06:43 AM

While I agree the new image hosting feature is great, does that mean you have wiped all the old galleries? I am listed as having nil images hosted.

My next step was to look at any thread to which I have added one of my pictures and see if the picture was still visible, but now the "members" link is missing off the menu bar.


looks like the old pics are still there.

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 06:44 AM

While I agree the new image hosting feature is great, does that mean you have wiped all the old galleries? I am listed as having nil images hosted.

My next step was to look at any thread to which I have added one of my pictures and see if the picture was still visible, but now the "members" link is missing off the menu bar.


They are two seperate products so you are still listed in the old galleries and all your pics are there.

PS. Member's List got moved to "Fun Stuff"

04-29-2006, 06:48 AM
While I agree the new image hosting feature is great, does that mean you have wiped all the old galleries? I am listed as having nil images hosted.

OK, the images I uploaded to the gallery are still there so you have not wiped the old galleries but how do I access my/others pictures if it says "none hosted"? Is this still work in progress?

My next step was to look at any thread to which I have added one of my pictures and see if the picture was still visible, but now the "members" link is missing off the menu bar

I can access my own member information by clicking on my handle at the head of any post, but how do I view the member information for someone when I do not have one of their posts in front of me now that we do not have the "members" link on the menu bar?

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 06:52 AM
OK, the images I uploaded to the gallery are still there so you have not wiped the old galleries but how do I access my/others pictures if it says "none hosted"? Is this still work in progress?

The Gallery link is still under "Fun Stuff" they are seperate. Consider the new "VB Image Host" as strictly an image hoster like Photobucket. (making a new post)

I can access my own member information by clicking on my handle at the head of any post, but how do I view the member information for someone when I do not have one of their posts in front of me now that we do not have the "members" link on the menu bar?

I had edited my last post see "Fun Stuff"

04-29-2006, 06:53 AM

Sorry, our posts crossed!

Thanks for the explanation. I suggest you edit your original post to explain that the links to the "members" and (old) "gallery" have been moved to "fun stuff" as this is not self-evident. I guess you just ran out of space on the menu bar?

As to whether most of the members here are "fun". Some of us are just plain grumpy.

04-29-2006, 06:55 AM
The Gallery link is still under "Fun Stuff" they are seperate. Consider the new "VB Image Host" as strictly an image hoster like Photobucket. (making a new post)

I had edited my last post see "Fun Stuff"

Our posts crossed again! You are too quick on the keyboard.

04-29-2006, 07:00 AM
Consider the new "VB Image Host" as strictly an image hoster like Photobucket.
Where are these image files actually stored? On our own server? If so, does that mean both the old Galleries and Photobucket (etc) are now redundant for ISOC usage? If not, what can they do for us that the new VB Image Host cannot do? (Does VB mean Visual Basic here?)

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 07:04 AM
Where are these image files actually stored? On our own server? If so, does that mean both the old Galleries and Photobucket (etc) are now redundant for ISOC usage? If not, what can they do for us that the new VB Image Host cannot do? (Does VB mean Visual Basic here?)

See this thread with the difference between the Galleries & Image Hosting.


As for what can Photobucket do? Nothing now except they have more hard drive space but that's not even a concern for us yet and you can post them on any site, not just ours.

04-29-2006, 07:32 AM
good work DT. i uploaded a test pic and it was very easy.
how do i put the pic inside my thread ?

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 07:33 AM
good work DT. i uploaded a test pic and it was very easy.
how do i put the pic inside my thread ?

When you look at "My Images" there is a text box with the IMG code automatically generated for you. Just Copy & Paste!

04-29-2006, 08:09 AM
I'm gonna try it sometime this weekend. Thanks, again!

Don Tomas
04-29-2006, 11:04 AM
Shameless bump for the late morning/early afternoon people.

06-06-2006, 12:35 PM
sorry was looking for this thread this morning
back with a test pic finally

Don Tomas
06-06-2006, 01:52 PM
Didn't have my camera at the time but I saw a running DeLorean and a Yugo in the DR!!!

06-06-2006, 02:52 PM
finally had my service manager show me this uploading prosess.
i was missing a couple steps.
for the rest of you that r having problems
right click on the text info and hit SELECT ALL
once it is highlighted right click again and hit copy
go back to your thread and right click and hit paste.
it is simple
also when you go into vb posting go to open up your images and right click there and then select open in new window.
this speeds up the pic transfer as both windows r open

06-06-2006, 02:55 PM
once i was shown how to do it
it was simple
i will post the good pics in BoD of lissett since LM was so kind as to bring back my camera that i had left at Franks

06-07-2006, 12:50 PM
I like this girl

06-07-2006, 06:47 PM
just a bump so some new guys can post pics.

You probably noticed the new Link on the menu bar that says "VB Image Host".

So many people complained about the trouble required in the Gallery that I decided to implement an easier solution.

First you have three options under the menu:

(view) My Images
Upload Image(s)
View All User's ImagesView My Images is self explainatory (actually all of them are). You get to see your images laid out for you with a large thumbnail. What's the best part is that the IMG code is in a text box for you to copy & paste into a thread, too fucking easy! You also have two links to either Delete the image or Make public, IF you don't make it public people cannot browse it in the "View All User's Images" option, BUT you can still post it to a thread.

NOTE: I ask that members do NOT make nude pictures public to continue to comply with the rules of this web site of having nude pictures in open areas, Thank you!

Upload Image(s) is again too fucking easy! Simple click Upload, find image on hard drive, (repeat upto 5 times), click "Host It". The limits for images are very liberal!

View All User's Images again self explainatory! You see images that other users have made Public, if they haven't made them public, then you can't see them. Note: Moderators & Admins can still see them all.

This feature is available for everyone except basic normal users. If you are a Paid member of the Pictures group or have been voted into the BOD group or higher then you get to use this!

NOTE: You cannot host here and post it somewhere else, THAT IS BANDWIDTH THEFT!