View Full Version : Central Bank audit

05-12-2008, 05:00 PM
The external auditor's report on the Dominican Republic Central Bank prepared by Price Waterhouse Cooper tends to awaken some doubts about the macroeconomic successes claimed by the government, as well as the apparent success in the handling of monetary policy. Listin Diario takes a glance at the Central Bank's deficit and the government's income as well as the interest paid by the Central Bank versus the amount of money in circulation. The article, by former Central Bank governor Guillermo Caram, of the PRSC party, sharply criticizes the government's economic policies, especially the marked increase in the number of people on the bank's payroll where a 90% increase was noted. The full-page article can be accessed online at: www.listindiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=58234 (http://www.listindiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=58234)

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