View Full Version : Trade deficit with the US

05-12-2008, 05:00 PM
DR-CAFTA seems to be working only one way, with a significant increase in imports from the United States. The trade deficit for the first three months of the year increased to US$688 million, up from US$426 million for the same period in 2007. Imports were US$1.6 billion, up from US$1.4 billion. At the same time, exports declined from US$991.8 to US$927.3 million. In 2004, Dominicans exported more to the US than was imported. In that year, the trade balance was US$168.8 million in favor of the DR. In an interview with Hoy, economist Luis Vargas commented that the decline in exports is due to the accelerated dismantling of industry and farming in the DR.

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