View Full Version : Foreign firms to do exit polls

05-14-2008, 02:00 PM
Although the Central Electoral Board (JCE) did not object to the taking of exit polls, they did say that the results of such polls could not be divulged before the JCE itself has released its first bulletin with vote counts. International pollsters such as Penn and Schoen, and Gallup DR have announced that they plan to take exit polls around the country. The polls will be taken under strict measures of confidentiality and discretion in keeping with the Electoral Laws. According to the head of the JCE, magistrate Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman, these organizations can take the polls, but they cannot release the results. Andrew Claster of Penn and Schoen told Diario Libre that they would release the results to the international media. The National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) has announced that it will be sponsoring exit polls by Gallup DR, using a random sample of 5,000. Readers might recall that in 2004 Penn and Schoen released their exit poll results to the international media and people were able to know the results before the JCE had even released their first bulletin.

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