View Full Version : Political publicity in the millions

05-15-2008, 02:40 PM
If you thought politics paid off, you might want to consider a job in political advertising. Hoy writes that between January and April, Dominican political parties spent RD$871,358,054 on various forms of advertising. Citing a report by civic group Participacion Ciudadana, Hoy writes that of a total RD$871 million spent, RD$502,959,858 was spent by the parties themselves while RD$368,398,583 was spent by government departments. Most of the money spent, RD$423,481,941, was spent on TV ads while RD$57,824,301 went on radio ads. According to the report, the PLD spent RD$282,340,290 while the PRD spent RD$123,109,156, the PRSC spent RD$69,780,023, the fourth option spent RD$23,703,687, the PAP spent RD$2,893,610 while MIUCA spent RD$1,133,192. TV ads have been saturated with political commentary with 8 out of 10 ads on television corresponding to the PLD.

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