View Full Version : International eyes on elections

05-15-2008, 02:40 PM
More than 200 representatives from international and diplomatic organizations will be in the DR to observe the 2008 Dominican Presidential Election. However, Hoy reports that many of those participants have yet to arrive.
During a speech welcoming election observers, Central Electoral Board (JCE) head Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman said that since the death of dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo in 1961 the DR has held 16 free and fair elections, adding that "this is a country that knows how to vote and knows its destiny". Castanos thanked international observers for their presence while the president of the JCE Disputes Chamber, Mariano Rodriguez, guaranteed transparency in the electoral process and said that tomorrow's voting will be a true reflection of democracy.
The electoral observers represented include Organization of American States (OAS) observation mission chief Jose Octavio Bordon, director of the Electoral Promotion and Advisory Center (Capel), president of the Costa Rican Electoral Tribunal Jose Thompson, from El Salvador Eduardo Nunez, Nicanor Moscoso and Walter Rene Araujo from Panama, Erasmo Pinilla from Colombia, and Carlos Ariel Sanchez and Leonardo Valdez from Mexico.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)