View Full Version : Helicopter falls from sky

05-15-2008, 02:40 PM
A Bell 206 helicopter owned by the Hanabanilla Trading Company crashed into the driveway of a home near INTEC University five minutes after takeoff from La Isabela Airport in northern Santo Domingo. The helicopter, which was on its way to pick up photographers and cameramen who were taking aerial photographs of the PRD rally, crashed into a wall adjacent to the driveway of the house at Calle Anamas No. 4 in Los Rios before catching fire. The pilot, National Police captain Juan Heriberto Perez Pena, miraculously saved his life by jumping from the copter shortly before it crashed. He suffered fractures to both his legs and is hospitalized. The house where the helicopter landed received minor damage, as did a vehicle parked in the driveway.

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