View Full Version : Election No. 13

05-16-2008, 03:10 PM
This is the 13th election to be held since the overthrow of the Trujillo dictatorship in 1961.
Three political parties have prevailed over the past 46 years - the PRD, PRSC and PLD (which was founded by PRD dissidents).
The per year official vote counts were:
1962: Juan Bosch (PRD). He won the election with a vote count of 628,044 votes versus 317,327 for his opponent Viriato Fiallo.
1966: Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer defeated Bosch (PRD) 767,265 vs. Bosch 525,230.
1970: Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer defeated Augusto Lora (MIDA), with 707,136 votes versus 252,760.
1974: Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer won, at a time when the leading opposition party, the PRD abstained from participating in the election. Balaguer won with 942,276 votes vs. minority party candidate Homero Lajara Burgos who received 170,693.
1978: Antonio Guzman (PRD). Guzman defeated Balaguer with a vote of 855,765 vs. 698,163.
1982: Salvador Jorge Blanco (PRD). Jorge Blanco defeated Balaguer with 839,092 votes to 656,672 votes.
1986. Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer returned to power with 855,565 votes to 706,588 votes of the PRD with Jacobo Majluta running for President.
1990. Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer defeated Juan Bosch (running with Leonel Fernandez as his vice president) by 647,626 vs. 440,366 votes.
1994. Joaquin Balaguer (PRSC). Balaguer won against Jose Francisco Pena Gomez with 1,263,341, but the very close election lead to an agreement where the presidential term was cut to two years, re-election was banned and a second election was called for 1996.
1996. Leonel Fernandez (PLD). Jose Francisco Pena Gomez (PRD) ran this time against Leonel Fernandez, but did not receive 50%+1 of the vote, and thus a second round was necessary. In the second round, Fernandez won with the support of the PRSC, including party leader Joaquin Balaguer.
2000. Hipolito Mejia (PRD). Mejia defeated Danilo Medina of the PLD, with 1,432,548 votes, or 49.9%. Medina withdrew his right to a runoff election, required when a candidate fails to secure 50%+1 of the vote.
2004. Leonel Fernandez (PLD). Leonel Fernandez defeated Hipolito Mejia with 57% of the vote.

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