View Full Version : Guillermo Moreno's first try

05-19-2008, 04:50 PM
Last minute candidate Guillermo Moreno of MIUCA, running for President for the first time, is encouraged by his numbers into the 2008 presidential election. The candidate ended with a 0.44% of the vote, receiving 18,136 votes, compared to the 0.47% received by former PRSC candidate Eduardo Estrella running on the PRSD ticket, grouping PRD and PRSC dissidents, who received 19,309 votes or 0.47% of the vote. Moreno defeated minority candidates Pedro Candelier, who received 6,188 votes (0.15%) and Trajano Santana, running for the PRI, who received 1,533 votes (0.04%).
In a letter summing up his participation in the election, Moreno said: "We were always aware that for us the 16 May was not about getting there, but about being a departure point." Moreno had advocated that change is possible in the way that politics are carried out.
In the city of Santo Domingo (National District) Moreno came in fourth, with 1.15%, more than Eduardo Estrella of the PRSD who received 0.57, Pedro Candelier of the PAP with 0.19% and Trajano Santana of the PRI who received 0.05%. In the province of Santo Domingo, Moreno also outperformed the other minority party candidates, with MIUCA receiving 0.46%, PRSD 0.29%, PAP 0.15% and PRI 0.04%.

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