View Full Version : More austerity, fewer subsidies

05-20-2008, 05:10 PM
Representatives from several industrial groups agree that over the next four years the administration will have to apply an ironclad policy of savings, reduce expenditures and reduce subsidy programs. The presidents of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), the Agro-Business Board (JAD), the Herrera Industries Association (AEIH) and the Trade and Business Federation, together with other leaders such as the president of the National Council of Business (CONEP), agree on this position of austerity and subsidy reduction. ANJE spokesman Pablo Piantini called for controlled handling of government expenditure so that more resources could go to education and health. Jesus Moreno, the head of the Herrera Industrial Association, called for more emphasis on the farming sector and the use of alternative energy programs. Lisandro Macarrulla of Conep called business groups to unite and collaborate with the government to promote initiatives to improve quality of life and spur development. "More precise actions are needed, as well as an intelligent fiscal management, in terms of improving quality of spending, adjusting investments to real needs and combating poverty," he stressed.

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