View Full Version : JCE post-election agenda

05-20-2008, 05:10 PM
Central Electoral Board (JCE) Administrative Chamber president Roberto Rosario, quoted in Hoy, says that the board plans to evaluate the 2008 election with a view to reforming the country's electoral laws. He said that the JCE is considering the creation of a new law regulating activities by the political parties. Another priority is to improve the civil registry. Rosario said the 16 May presidential election showed that the JCE has matured and consequently no longer needs to be monitored. Rosario also said that since the digital scanners used during the elections to transmit results were also computers, they would be used in routine work during non-electoral periods, as well as in the 2010 municipal and congressional elections.
Rosario explained that the scanner/computers will be used to digitalize fingerprints in ID centers, and to take credit cards at civil registry centers.

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