View Full Version : PRD won 88 municipalities

05-21-2008, 05:30 PM
In a somewhat surprising editorial comment, Diario Libre says that the PRD party, with Miguel Vargas Maldonado as its presidential candidate, won the straight party vote in 88 municipalities in the recent elections. This number represents 57% of all the cities. The PLD party won 63 municipalities, the PRSC won in Higuey and the Christian Popular Party won in La Descubierta. The Central Electoral Board (JCE) bulletin indicates that on a strictly party vote, PLD-PRD, Leonel Fernandez won with 45.83% of the vote, and Miguel Vargas Maldonado received 40.48%. The piece in Diario Libre also points out that the PLD party won the election thanks to its alliances with smaller parties and the fact that it concentrated all its election efforts on the seven most populous provinces and urban areas.

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