View Full Version : Example starts at top

05-23-2008, 02:30 PM
Consultant Federico A. Martinez is calling on the government to set an example to citizens. Martinez, as reported in Hoy, says that the government can't maintain the current job perk that enables government employees to buy large gas-guzzling SUVs at a time when fuel prices are hitting record highs. The large number of government officers benefiting from the program is apparent in any government office parking lot, where dozens of expensive SUVs are parked.
Commenting on the Cogentrix energy plant, the consultant says that it is a shame that a generator that produces 12% of the nation's consumption has been paralyzed because of high fuel prices. He says that it is a crime that the government has to pay Cogentrix US$7 million per month even though the plant is not generating energy. He added that the issues with Congentrix could be solved in six months if the will to do so was present. Martinez called for proper precautions to be taken as oil prices climb towards the US$200-per-barrel mark. Oil is currently at US$130 per barrel. Fuel has nearly doubled in price in the past year and has shot through the roof by 13% in just the last month.

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