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View Full Version : [sxxxy.org] Porn shoot angers LA neighbors

05-01-2006, 12:10 AM
United Press International - NewsTrack - Porn shoot angers LA neighbors (http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20060430-022914-1454r): "LOS ANGELES, April 30 (UPI) -- Much to the chagrin of some Los Angeles residents, their city exercises no control over adult film shoots beyond requiring a simple permit.

If a neighbor decides to rent out his house for the filming of a pornographic movie, there's not much that can be done to stop it, The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.

On Easter Sunday, homeowners in one upscale LA neighborhood discovered a large film crew setting up shop in a two-story home. Many of the crew members were covered in tattoos and several scantily clad women were on hand as well.

Callers who complained about the goings-on were told it was perfectly legal and the city doesn't restrict the content of projects.

The neighbors conceded they didn't actually see any nudity or obscene activity, but the mere idea that it was going on bothered them."

They're just getting their panties in a wad over nothing. Guess what? Your neighbors are having sex in their homes! Gasp! It might be really kink sex!

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