View Full Version : Dengue campaign shows results

05-26-2008, 03:50 PM
So far this year there has been one death and three hundred cases of the rightly feared dengue fever in the Dominican Republic. And this is good news. Last year, more cases were reported for the same time period, and Minister of Public Health Bautista Rojas has called on the public to remain alert and to continue employing the preventive measures that have been piped into every house in the DR: Keep it covered and wipe it down with chlorine! The effectiveness of the publicity campaign is reflected in the new figures. There have been four fewer deaths and 1,400 fewer cases so far this year. Dengue fever is carried by mosquitoes that breed in stagnant water, often in water tanks that people in poorer urban and rural areas use to store their drinking water. Minister Rojas said that the preventive campaign would be stepped up in order to minimize the expected increase in cases during the summer months.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)