View Full Version : 2012 already?

05-27-2008, 04:30 PM
Not even three weeks after the 2008 presidential elections and the PRD campaign machinery is already gearing up for the 2012 elections, according to a report in Hoy. Hoy reports that the PRD has begun the search for its 2012 candidate. The party is considering Miguel Vargas Maldonado (who was defeated by President Leonel Fernandez in 2008), former President Hipolito Mejia (who was defeated by Fernandez in 2004) and current PRD president Ramon Alburquerque. While Vargas and Alburquerque have said they would seek the candidacy, Mejia has not spoken on the issue. The Dominican Constitution only allows for one consecutive re-election bid. So, neither Mejia nor the incumbent Fernandez could run in 2012 unless the constitution is reformed. President Fernandez is expected to present a bill for the reform of the Constitution in August.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)