View Full Version : Endesa: DR social snapshot

05-29-2008, 05:50 PM
The Center for Social and Demographic Studies for Social and Demographic Studies (ENDESA) presented the results of the nationwide social survey indicating problem areas where major efforts need to be focused. The survey results reveal that 36% of Dominican Republic residents above the age of 18 do not have ID cards (cedulas). Approximately 5% of the population does not have a birth certificate. Endesa is sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Richard Gougnour, director of USAID in the DR, presented the findings yesterday. The survey results were held until after the presidential election.
The study also found that 11% of the population above the age of ten is illiterate, although this is down from 13% in 2002. The report looks into literacy disparities depending on location. In the National District there is a 5% illiteracy rate, but this number jumps to 24% in Bahoruco and 31% in Elias Pina, on the border with Haiti.
According to ENDESA, 35% of households are headed by women, a 7% jump from 2002. Some 50% of homes have two parents, 15% of children do not live with either of their parents, and 4% lives with the father alone.
The details reveal that 85% of households use propane gas while 10% burn wood as their main fuel. Eighty three percent of households have stoves and 83% have televisions, 71% have refrigerators, 69% have washing machines and cellular phones, 27% have home phone lines, 13% have computers and 6% have Internet access at home. A total of 96% of the population is connected to the public grid.
Another finding is that 0.8% of the population is HIV positive while women between the ages of 30 and 34 have a 1.4% infection rate. This figure jumps to 1.6% for men between the ages of 30 and 39.

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