View Full Version : Leaders take Fernandez's advice

05-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Regional leaders in El Salvador for a heads of state meeting of the Central American Integration System (SICA) have made theirs President Leonel Fernandez's proposal on the calling of an extraordinary session of the United Nation's General Assembly to discuss, with urgency, the looming global economic crisis based on skyrocketing fuel prices and the consequential food crisis. Heads of state of Central America, the President of Brazil and the Minister of Foreign Relations of Costa Rica, gathered in San Salvador for the meeting, highlighted the dramatic effects fuel prices are already having on non-producing countries. The leaders will send a letter to the UN officially asking for an urgent meeting to find ways to lower lower fuel prices.
During his speech to regional leaders Fernandez warned of the passive attitude towards the new petroleum crisis, saying that the crisis that the world is currently facing is the most serious since the Great Depression.
Also during the meeting, regional officials discussed the possibility of a free trade agreement between SICA and the MERCOSUR trade block. Talks should begin in Brasilia in September. No word on how the recently created UNASUR, which merges MERCOSUR and the Andean Community, will affect the negotiations. If a free trade agreement is signed, the DR and SICA nations will have access to a consumer base of more than 380 million people.
President Leonel Fernandez returned to the DR at 9pm on Thursday evening on a private plane after spending the day in El Salvador at the SICA summits. The President's delegation included Economic, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas, Drug Czar Marino Vinicio Castillo, Minister without Portfolio Miguel Mejia and Press Minister Rafael Nunez.

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