View Full Version : Hubieres jailed; freed

05-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Fenatrano public transport union leader Juan Hubieres was arrested yesterday after a violent incident involving two members of his bus union. Hoy reports that the incident was sparked off when union members Frank Sanchez and Pedro Segura got into an argument with another driver, from the Ruta 96 union, over control of the Tamarindo/UASD bus route. The drivers made their way to the AMET headquarters in Villa Juana to resolve the issue. Members of the Fenatrano union also went to the headquarters to show support. Mass traffic jams were reported. Hoy writes that Kan Fung Leung Chan, driving a white Peugeot, who was enraged with the traffic chaos, fired several shots. Segura and Sanchez were both injured during the shooting. Hubieres made his way to AMET headquarters around noon. He was immediately arrested on suspicion of having ordered the shootings and was taken to the Prosecutor's Office in Ciudad Nueva. The situation became tense as many Fenatrano members followed to the Prosecutor's Office in support of Hubieres. Hubieres claims that his arrest was politically motivated because he had supported the PRD presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado. The union leader was interrogated and released six hours later. In response, Fenatrano drivers staged an impromptu strike and the DA's office confiscated 15 Fenatrano buses on charges of traffic obstruction. The strike caused a shortage of buses and caused havoc for returning commuters.

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