View Full Version : Leonel is Food Summit VP

06-03-2008, 05:20 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has been chosen as Vice President of the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) World Food Summit taking place in Rome, Italy. Mexican Ambassador to the FAO Jorge Chen nominated Fernandez on behalf of the Caribbean and Latin American Group of Countries (GRULAC). Fernandez received unanimous support from the 33 GRULAC member states.
Fernandez's stock on the international scene has been on the rise after the March 2008 Rio Group Summit in Santo Domingo, when Fernandez helped ease tensions between Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. During the World Food Summit, which ends on Thursday, 60 heads of state and prime ministers will discuss rising food prices, a consequence of increasing fuel prices.
Hoy reports that Fernandez has been an outspoken supporter of food programs and has been speaking on the subject since 2007. In 2007 Fernandez, in an address to the United Nations, highlighted the need for countries to face issues of rising food and fuel prices. More recently, regional leaders meeting in El Salvador for a heads of state meeting of the Central American Integration System (SICA) adopted President Leonel Fernandez's proposal to call for an extraordinary session of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss, with urgency, the looming global economic crisis based on skyrocketing fuel prices and the resulting food crisis.
At the Summit, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for a 50% increase in world farm production by 2030 to meet growing demand. The Fernandez administration has set as a goal for the next four years to step up local efforts to convert the DR into a leading regional food producer and exporter.

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