View Full Version : Illiteracy rates

06-03-2008, 05:20 PM
The Endesa 2007 survey shows that the level of illiteracy in rural areas is 18%, compared to 8% in urban areas. This is a slight improvement over the findings of the previous Endesa 2002 survey when illiteracy was recorded at 19% in rural areas and 9% in cities. On the other hand, the 2007 survey shows that the gap between urban and rural areas has widened. While five out of every 100 people in Santo Domingo do not know how to read or write, in Elias Pina, on the border with Haiti, 31 of every 100 are illiterate.
Illiteracy has declined overall. In 2002, the survey showed that 13% of the population over the age of 10 was illiterate. Five years later, the 2007 survey showed that illiteracy has declined to 11%. Illiteracy rates are slightly higher in men, with 10.9% compared to 10.5% in women.
The five areas with the lowest illiteracy rates are the National District (Santo Domingo city) with 5% and Santo Domingo Province 6%, La Romana 8.7%, La Altagracia 9.5% and Santiago 9.7%.
Illiteracy rates are highest in the border provinces with Haiti. There, Elias Pina records 30.5%, Bahoruco 24.4%, Azua 21.8%, San Juan de la Maguana 21.5%, Pedernales 19.7% and Independencia 19.5%.

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