View Full Version : Fernandez on ethanol in Rome

06-04-2008, 02:00 PM
Dominican President Leonel Fernandez spoke about the Dominican Republic's plans to focus on sugar cane production and ethanol as a way of relieving the impact of record oil prices during his presentation at the World Food Summit in Rome. During his speech to the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) assembly, the President said that the DR was hoping that bio-fuels would help tackle the challenge of increasing food production costs. The President said that the DR was launching a national ethanol production program using sugar cane and that "such a plan is compatible with a strategy of a guaranteed food supply, which will also reduce dependency on oil."
President Fernandez also pointed out that a national program of home grown foods that would make the Dominican Republic, in the words of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the "Breadbasket of the Caribbean." While this is a great opportunity for the country, the President warned that its success was threatened by the "protectionist policies and generalized subsidies for production and export of farm goods by the industrialized nations." With that comment the President said that he hoped that the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization discussions on trade barriers would put an end to such policies.

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